Saturday, March 30, 2013

Unlock Features Of Your Cell Phone

Do you have a cell phone and are you aware of all of its features? By now, most people have a cell phone. With today's technological savvy population it isn't any surprise. But did you know, there are a few features on your phone you most likely didn't know you could unlock?

For instance, most of everyone knows about 911. But what if you don't have service, and can't call in case of an emergency? Not to worry, you can simply dial 112 instead, and you will connect to any network available to report an emergency even if your cell phone is locked.

You can also operate your car's remote entry system by your cell phone. Next time you leave your remote entry device at home, just call home and have someone use the device in proximity to the cell phone- and puts yours next to your car- it actually unlocks your car!

Many people wish they had bigger cell phone batteries- I bet you didn't know you can tap into your reserve power, for up to a 50% increase in battery life. To access this feature, just press * 3 3 7 0 #, and your phone will restart with reserve power- a handy trick. This power will be charged next time you charge your phone.

There are many tricks to use with cell phones- these are just a few to show you just how innovative you can be with one. With these new tricks, comes regulation. These tricks might not last forever- so make sure you take advantage of them!

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Brief History of Mobile Computing

The fascinating world of mobile computing has only been around since the 1990s. Since then, devices that have been developed for mobile computing have taken over the wireless industry. This new type of communication is a very powerful tool for both businesses and personal use. Mobile computing is defined as the ability to use technology that is not physically connected to any static network. This actually used to mean radio transmitters that operated on a stable base, usually with the help of large antennas. 2 way radios used by police officers were also considered mobile technology but now, it means people can connect wirelessly to the internet or to a private network almost anywhere. As long as a person has one of the devices capable of wirelessly accessing the internet, they are participating in mobile computing. Chances are, you have done it with a laptop computer or a personal digital assistant or PDA.

These days, most laptops and personal digital assistants all have wireless cards or Bluetooth interfaces built into them for convenient mobile internet access. Mobile solutions are right under everyone's nose these days, and connectivity has never been easier. Other common tools for mobile computing include devices like global positioning systems and smart phones like the Cingular Blackberry. Tons of PDA software development has been going on in the past five years simply because companies have been trying hard to make PDA technology more available to the general public. These days, software companies almost make more software for PDAs and smart phones than for actual desktops.

Pocket PCs are another way to conveniently access the internet on the fly. Everyone has probably heard of the Palm Pilot. While they were the pioneers of the pocket pc, many other companies such as Dell, HP, and Toshiba have all delved into the market. Pocket PC software has also become much easier to use. Most Palms use the familiar Windows interface, allowing the general public to access the internet via the usual Internet Explorer or other ISPs. Also, people can easily download useful software, including games, Media editing tools, organization tools, and even electronic books.

Mobile computing has evolved from two-way radios that use large antennas to communicate simple messages to three inch personal computers that can do almost everything a regular computer does. People can't go to their local Starbucks and not see a laptop linked up to a hotspot these days, and mobile computing is still in its baby phase.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

You Want to Buy a Laptop, Which Choice? Brand Or OEM?

What is the interest of a Original Equipment Manufacturer notebook?

The advantages are numerous. That can allow a local assembler to dissociate his product from a great brand.

Several factors take into consideration:

the price,


the possibility of powerful configurations and/or attractive specifications, for example by just adding the most powerful of the hard disks, the best of the processors and a powerful graphics card.

Perfect solution?

The advantages which we have just seen also have a counterpart. The retailer of the OEM cannot ensure a service of international or even national guarantee as effective as a great brand. the great failures often require a return to the importer.

The immobilization can thus be long, up to 3 or 4 weeks...

A time which enters in competition with the bad after sale service of certain great brand!

Some retailers give wide guarantees which offer the repairing of the machine within reduced times and include the expenses of sending... The laptop OEM becomes hyper interesting if the retailer is close!

The support is also summary the notebooks are delivered with a CD-ROM of drivers. The updates of a OEM laptop are comparable with those of a home made desktop it will often be necessary to go to directly seek the last versions on the sites of the manufacturers.

Are all the OEM equal?

The answer cannot be given in a radical way. All depends on which produced the machine and on this level, it is not always possible to find the source in an easy way.


If quality is variable, the performances are generally good to see very good level.

Brand or OEM?

You have now all the cards in hands to judge. The safety of guarantee and support, are prerogatives of great brands, but the OEM offer largely lower prices for performances often definitely higher. The fact that great brands buying their machines directly from Compal is a proof so necessary that one can find the same level of quality on both sides. With a OEM, you must seek to update your pilots, but considering the speed at which certain large manufacturers update their site, this is not a big problem...

The greatest fear is the repair service in the event of problem. The sending of the machine is likely to dissolve the savings made with the purchase... OEM notebook is however an alternative of most interesting which will certainly allure more and more ''experts''.

For more information about laptop visit laptop support and my blog Laptop Help [].

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Implications Of The OX-9 ( One Laptop per Child Program)

The OX-9 as the One Laptop per Child program is now being called is a great idea and shows what's possible when technology is not overburdened. The design is functional and fantastic and would have a huge impact in the developing world. But the fact that the computer has to come from the government rather than through the public markets raises skepticism. Doing so limits the impact the laptops are going to have.

The problem is that it is limited to ONLY developing countries. Selling to the public would allow market forces to take the project to a greater level of empowerment and allow it to be measured up with ther products in the market. I am interested in this project not because of what it could do for the Children, because despite the promotions, only a very small amount of children will ever get their hands on this machine. But because it has opened a new door for less is more products. Somebody in the developed world that just needs a basic laptop could buy one of these. It would follow the same pattern the DACIA Logan has in Europe. The car is selling in Europe as strong as in the developing countries it was intended for.

The OX-9 will have a bottom-up shake up. on one side allowing kids learn programming and other computer skills early creating a new class of customers. On the other hand it would influence how technology is used in the developed world. To the advocates of the OX-9, sell it to the public as well as selling it to governments of developing countries and unleash the full potential of this innovative project.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Facts You Should Know About iPods

iPod is one of the most successful consumer electronic products in history. It is the best selling mp3 / mp4 player in the market today. The combination of sound quality, sleek design and unique user interface, made the iPod a hit, causing an entire industry of accessories to emerge almost overnight.

The Apple Corporation first released the iPod on October 23, 2001.

Presently we are now on the 5th generation of iPod.

The first generation - Mp3 player with mechanical scroll wheel and four buttons.

The second generation - It has touch-sensitive wheel, 10 GB and 20 GB hard drives.

The third generation - It has touch-sensitive bottoms and USB connectivity.

The fourth generation - It has click-wheel and only two hard disk version, 20 GB and 40 GB.

The fifth generation - Mp4 player with 60 GB memory storage and video capability.

iPod has won several awards ranging from engineering excellence, to most innovative audio product. Very often it receives favorable reviews on looks, designs and handling.

iPod was designed as an mp3 / mp4 player for people with an active lifestyle. It is compact, sturdy and lightweight enough to take with you wherever you go. It was designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand or to be carried into a pocket or purse for easy transportation.

It comes in many storage capacities from 512 MG to 80 GB. The amount of memory it can hold, depends on the model or on the compression rate of your songs.

As an mp3 player it was designed to provide the best quality sound. It has a powerful 60 MW amplifier so it can deliver audio as loud as you want. It also has a 20 MZ to 20 KHZ frequency response, which means you can hear distortion free music at the lowest pitches.

iPod built-in rechargeable battery provides between 8 to 20 hours of music playtime depending on your model. Using the appropriate stereo adapter your iPod will sound great on your home or car stereo system. All iPod`s come as standard with a non removable lithium rechargeable battery. The battery charge will last about 14 to 28 days without use. The lcd display shows the battery level on the upper right corner of the screen. You may charge your iPod by connecting it to an Apple iPod Power Adapter or connecting it to a USB port of a computer. A full charge takes approximately four hours while 80% charge will require at least one hour.

Apple has designed the iPod, as an mp3 player, to work with the iTunes media library software, which allows you to select your music on your computer and on your ipod. iTunes can automatically synchronize this mp3 player with specific playlists or with the entire content of a music library each time you connect your iPod to a host computer.

The first three generations of iPod used two ARM 7TDMI derived CPUs running at 90 MHZ, while later models have variable speed chips which run at a peak of 80 MHZ to save battery life. Another great feature of owning an iPod is the fact that someone can record a discussion and then post the audio file on the internet. This means people can download the file and listen to the file on their iPod. As an mp4 player, with iTunes 4.9, you can now browse and subscribe to podcasts at the iTunes Website. Podcasts are radio shows or other audio/video programs that are downloadable over the internet.

In order for you to be a more satisfied iPod customer, as to the usability and longer battery life spam of this mp3-mp4 player you should consider the following tips:

- Keep it turned off when not using it.

- Update to the latest software.

- Keep it at room temperature whenever possible.

- If you are not using the backlighting, turn it off.

-Turning off the equalizer will save you battery.

- Use compressed songs.

With the availability of compact audio format, we have had mp3 players such as iPod, which provided an unprecedented portability to eager electronic consumers. Now iPod, as mp4 players, is already able to deliver video capability and a whole new set of features and services yet to come.

Roberto Sedycias

IT Consultant

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author´s name and all the URL´s (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Monday, March 25, 2013

How To - Choose an Email Client for the Mobile Device

We live mobile lifestyles. If we are not made already and dont live in a rural farm house, chances are that we will be telecommuting an average 30-45 minutes per day. Our schedules are tight and we are expected to stay connected with colleagues, clients, customers and family.

Email is the most commonly used mode of written communication. We write emails to our colleagues, clients, customers, bosses, juniors, family and friends. We use email to upload pictures to our blogs, update our online calendars, send ourselves reminders and most importantly, calm down an angry client while we find a fix for her problem.

It used to be that being away from the cubicle or home office meant we are out of touch with our email. But that is not the case any more. There are a number of email clients for the mobile device that allow you to send and receive email. Many of the high-end devices are expensive, or carrier driven email clients only cater to corporate requirements. If we can not afford a BlackBerry-esque solution, we need to find a consumer edition which supports most of the common desktop clients like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and POP3 / IMAP4 accounts.

Today we are going to look into what features should we be looking at and what applications are out there in the market. Most of all we would want it to be as free as possible.

Research Criteria

1- Supports all popular email accounts like Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, POP3 and IMAP4

2- Multiple number of accounts on the same phone

3- Attachment handling

4- Speed and ease of operation

5- Push Email or SMS Alert on arrival of email

6- News & RSS feeds

7- Number of phones supported

8- Cost

Research Results

1- Flurry Mail

2- Consilient Push (beta)

3- Tricast Mail (Standard)

All three of the above mentioned clients offer good service. Sign up and download is relatively easy, although the process can be made easier.

Thus far, Flurry Mail seems to be the best solution because of its extra features like ability to search news and email on the phone, integration with MySpace and importing contacts.

Consilient Push is still in beta phase but its features like customization of email signature and locking down of the client in case of loss or theft make it worthwhile.

Tricast Mail (Standard) is a very good client and by far the fastest solution. One has to signup with alwayssend (a free web based client) in order to download a free moblie client. It allows the user to setup other clients but can only receive email from them. Only Alwayssend emails can be sent from the devices itself.

The user interface is also the best of the lot and allows for rich text email, advanced folder management and context-sensitive, auto hide menu system.

A PRO version of the Tricast Mail is available from their site which adds Push Email, Attachment Viewing, and Email Streaming as features.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

How To Buy A Laptop - 7 Areas To Cut Costs

You have decided to buy a nice laptop by using my laptop buying guide (link below), but you can't quite justify or maybe afford spending that much money on it.

Is there some way to cut the cost a little bit, without sacrificing too much?

Yes. You make compromises. But at this point, only you can decide where you are willing to skimp.

The $2000 laptop that most of my clients end up buying is tailored to last 3 - 4 years, with contented computing along the way. Ok, maybe we'll have to reload Windows at the 2 year point to regain that new computer performance, but at least it can be done.

Here are 7 areas to consider for paring the cost of that new laptop:

Overall brand quality. Not a good idea in my book to skimp too much here. Witness my previous blog posts about the Sony VAIO. Others on the web have had similar recommendations to avoid that one. But still there might be a way to get a good brand without paying top dollar. The web provides tools to find the deals. Processor. I normally pick the fastest processor on the price/performance curve that sits right where cost starts increasing faster than performance gain. You can cheat a little here and hopefully still get 3 years from the hardware. Just don't count on upgrading the processor later - no matter what any salesman tells you. RAM. This isn't a bad place to save some money, because you can easily upgrade later. Just don't go through the manufacturer; companies like DELL can really sock it to you on upgrades. Choose someplace like instead. Tip: Depending on price structure, getting, say 512MB in 1 DIMM now lets you add 1 more 512MB DIMM later for a total of 1GB and still make use of the 512 that came with it. If you buy 512 via 2 DIMMs, you will have to remove 1 or both DIMMs later to add more, thus throwing away value (maybe you can eBay it for a couple bucks). Screen. Older eyes might prefer the lower resolution of a less expensive screen. Most laptops have 1 or maybe 2 native resolutions that actually look good. These are fairly high resolutions that many over 40, especially women, find difficult to read. Dell's WSXGA is as good of screen as WSXGA+ or WUXGA, just lower resolution. Compare before you buy! Hard Drive. Go smaller if you like, but don't go slower. 7200rpm or faster (faster not available as of this writing) is all you want to consider. End of discussion, don't listen to anyone else. Video card. For strictly business usage on Windows XP, you can save a little here. If you are doing a lot of graphics work, watching movies, or expect to use Windows Vista with the Aero interface, I wouldn't advise skimping here. Warranty. This is your call. See my post on CompleteCare. Repairs are expensive; do you ordinarily self-insure? Computer hardware has a nasty habit of dying within 30 days of warranty expiration - call it Murphy's Law if you like.

Operating system is possibly an 8th point to consider for reducing cost. Don't pay extra for Windows Vista Ultimate if you aren't going to need the features, and don't skimp down to Vista Basic and then wonder why you don't have the cool Aero interface. Again, compare before you buy.

Oh, and here's the link to my laptop buying guide that I mentioned above. Click here.

The buying guide is already tuned pretty well for cost versus performance, so take the guide and the 7 cost paring tips, then see if you can come up with the perfect fit for you and your budget.

The choice is yours. Just do yourself a favor and choose wisely! I hope the resources I have given you here will help.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cheap Laptops Guide - How to Buy Brand New Laptop Computers for Cheap

Laptop computers are so essential these days for most people. Buying a good laptop should be a priority for almost anybody. But since technology keeps changing so fast, any laptop computer you buy today will most likely be hopelessly outdated in a few short months. With things in such a state of flux, would you want to shell out big bucks to buy the latest computer stuffed with hundreds of hardware and software features you most possibly will not even use once, or would you rather buy a decent laptop for cheap and save money ? If your answer was the latter, then this is one article you would definitely want to read.

Here are a few tips on how to buy good computers for cheap.

Buying from tier two laptop manufacturers : If you buy a laptop from one of the very well known electronics companies, then you may have to pay a hefty premium just for the brand name alone. Agreed, the extra you pay for the brand name may go to ensure high quality products. But there are also a lot of smaller companies that make great machines too. The good thing about buying from these companies is that you do not have to pay for the brand name and thus you may end up saving quite a bit. Also called white-box notebooks, some of these machines can also be assembled at home.

Laptops for $399 ? Lately, you might have seen laptops being advertised at what may appear to be ridiculously low prices. Well, you might be able to buy laptops for $399. But just do not expect to be buying a feature rich laptop at that price. Here is a list of reasons why the laptop may be very cheap ...

3 months warranty instead of 1 year : The warranty period may be as little as 3 months instead of the more acceptable 1 year warranty. Would that be alright with you ?

256 MB RAM instead of 1 GB RAM : The size of the RAM may be more important than the processor speed. A computer with 256 MB RAM may not even be able to run some of the popular currently used software.

CD-ROM instead of CD-RW or DVD-RW : That means you will not be able to write to CDs or DVDs - essential functions that every computer user may require to do.

In case you feel these tradeoffs are acceptable, then you might want to consider buying these functional laptops.

Rebates on laptop computers : Some manufacturers may offer rebates if you buy particular laptop models. While these rebates may look very, very attractive, you may also want to see if you will have to buy software of hardware as part of the rebate offer. Especially if you do not intend to purchase additional hardware or software.

Also, you might want to ensure that you send the rebate paper work on time.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Do You Know About Blue-Thooth?

Blue tooth is initially conceived by Ericsson. The five founding members of the Bluetooth SIG are Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba. On December 1, 1999, the founding members announced that 3COM, Lucent, Microsoft, and Motorola have joined the founders to form the Promoter Group with the founding companies. To date, more than 1,200 companies have signed on. Bluetooth is a standard for a small, cheap radio chip to be plugged into computers, printers, mobile phones, etc.

Blue thooth is a cable-replacement technology. It uses radio frequencies in the 2.45 GHz range to transmit information over short distances of generally 33 feet (10 meters) or less. By embedding a Bluetooth chip and receiver into products, cables that would normally carry the signal can be eliminated.

A Bluetooth chip is designed to replace cables by taking the information normally carried by the cable, and transmitting it at a special frequency to a receiver Bluetooth chip, which will then give the information received to the computer, phone whatever.

Bluetooth definitions

o Piconet: Devices connected in an ad hoc fashion that is, not requiring predefinition and planning, as with a standard network. Two to eight devices can be networked into a piconet. It is a peer network that is, once connected each device has equal access to the others. However, one device is defined as master, and the others as slaves.

o Scatternet: Several piconets may form a larger scatternet, with each piconet maintaining independence.

o Master unit: The master in a piconet whose clock and hopping sequence synchronizes the other devices.

o Slave unit: Devices in a piconet that are not the master.

o MAC address: Three bit address that distinguishes each unit in a piconet.

o Parked units: Piconet devices that are synchronized but don't have MAC addresses.

o Sniff and hold mode: Power-saving mode of a piconet device.

Overview of Bluetooth characteristics

These are the features of the Bluetooth technology:

1. It separates the frequency band into hops. This spread spectrum is used to hop from one channel to another, which adds a strong layer of security.

2. Up to eight devices can be networked in a piconet.

3. Signals can be transmitted through walls and briefcases, thus eliminating the need for line-of-sight.

4. Devices do not need to be pointed at each other, as signals are omni-directional.

5. Both synchronous and asynchronous applications are supported, making it easy to implement on a variety of devices and for a variety of services, such as voice and Internet.

6. Governments worldwide regulate it, so it is possible to utilize the same standard wherever one travels.

How could Bluetooth be used?

Well, it's very much up to our imagination. But the ambition is set high, indeed; practically all computerized equipment normally found in a modern office (and home) which do not use a synchronous communications protocol could be adapted for use with Bluetooth.

Check this list:

Phones and pagers, Modems, LAN access devices, Headsets, Notebook computers,

Desktop and handheld computers, Printers, Fax machines, Keyboards, Joysticks etc

Virtually any digital device can be part of the Bluetooth system. Bluetooth radio technology can also provide a universal bridge to existing data networks, a peripheral interface, and a mechanism to form small ad hoc groupings of connected devices, away from fixed network infrastructures. The dynamic connectivity-nature of Bluetooth makes it possible for this system to replace USB, and it is an improvement on Plug-and-Play-systems, where the operating system has to be rebooted for the installation to take effect.

Basic Bluetooth functions

The Bluetooth technology is quite complex. This is not so surprising, considering the task it has to handle. It is mainly based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, briefly described at right. Of the 2 network modes described, Bluetooth uses the ad-hoc mode. This means that each station must observe "netiqette" and give all other units fair access to the wireless media.

The IEEE 802.11 communications standard defines the protocol for two types of networks; Ad-hoc and client/server.

The Ad-hoc network is a simple network where communications are established between multiple stations in a given coverage area without the use of an access point or server.The client/server network uses an access point that controls the allocation of transmit time for all stations and allows mobile stations to roam from cell to cell. The access point is used to handle traffic from the mobile radio to the wired or wireless backbone of the client/server network. This arrangement allows for point coordination of all the stations in the basic service area and ensures proper handling of the data traffic. The access point routes data between the stations and other wireless stations or to and from the network server.

How does Blue Tooth works?

Bluetooth uses frequency hopping in timeslots. Bluetooth has been designed to operate in noisy radio frequency environments, and uses a fast acknowledgement and a frequency-hopping scheme to make the communications link robust, communication-wise. Bluetooth radio modules avoid interference from other signals by hopping to a new frequency after transmitting or receiving a packet.

Compared with other systems operating in the same frequency band, the Bluetooth radio typically hops faster and uses shorter packets. This is because short packages and fast hopping limit the impact of microwave ovens and other sources of disturbances. Use of Forward Error Correction (FEC) limits the impact of random noise on long-distance links.

Establishing network connections

In order to establish new connections the procedures inquiry and paging are used. The inquiry procedure enables a unit to discover which units are in range, and what their device addresses and clocks are. With the paging proce-dure, an actual connection can be established. Only the Bluetooth device address is required to set up a connection. Knowledge about the clock will accelerate the setup procedure. A unit that establishes a connection will carry out a page procedure and will automatically become the master of the connection.

For the paging process, several paging schemes can be applied. There is one mandatory paging scheme which has to be supported by each Bluetooth device. This mandatory scheme is used when units meet for the first time, and in case the paging process directly follows the inquiry process. Two units, once connected using a mandatory paging/scanning scheme, may agree on an optional paging/scanning scheme.

What kind of traffic can Bluetooth handle?

Bluetooth is specifically designed to provide low-cost, robust, efficient, high capacity, ad hoc voice and data networking with the following characteristics:

1. 1 Mb/sec. transmission/reception rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth.

2. Fast frequency hopping avoids interference.

3. Adaptive output power minimizes interference.

4. Short data packets maximize capacity during interference.

5. Fast acknowledge allows low coding overhead for links.

6. CVSD (Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation) voice coding enables operation at high bit-error rates.

7. Flexible packet types supports a wide application range.

8. Relaxed link budget supports low-cost single chip integration.

9. Transmission/reception interface tailored to minimize electric current consumption

What about Bluetooth's security?

Security can mean two things in this context:

o A) We want to be sure that transmitted data arrives in un-corrupted condition to the receiver.

o B) We also want to feel that this data has not been eaves dropped by parties for whom it is not intended.

Both of these issues are (of course!) addressed by Bluetooth.

Safe transmission of data

Are transmissions secure in a business and home environment? Yes, they are supposed to be quite reliable. Bluetooth has built in sufficient encryption and authentication and is thus very secure in any environment. In addition to this, a frequency-hopping scheme with 1600 hops/sec. is employed. This is far quicker than any other competing system. This, together with an automatic output power adoption to reduce the range exactly to requirement, makes the system extremely difficult to eavesdrop.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

How To Buy A Laptop - 5 Basic Steps to the Right Laptop For You

You've decided to buy a laptop, but don't really know how to go about it.

I get asked time and again how to buy a laptop. Sometimes it's for a student, other times for an adult who just wants the freedom to roam around the house while computing.

So I have come up with a short procedure to follow that will act as a guide to get the right product for the right purpose.

Step 1: Determine who is going to use it. Not just the individual, but is this person - old or young (need reading glasses yet)? Computer literate or illiterate (PC or MAC)? A person who takes care of his hardware or someone careless?

Once I had a client who was blind and looking for a laptop. At the time, Toshiba had the best name in the business. We called a techy type guy who worked for an association for the blind who was also sight impaired.

His comment to us was that blind people can be a bit harder on things, for obvious reasons, and that Toshiba laptops don't hold up quite as well to being banged around. He recommended some other brands instead.

Experience has also shown me that college students who don't have to buy their own laptop have a distinct tendency to be harder on things also. Make sure they have a well padded case and use it.

The answers derived in Step 1 will trickle down to the rest of the 5 steps, as you will see.

Step 2: How long does this person need it for? Is it a student going to college and you, the parent, want it to last for the entire 4 year program (hopefully they'll finish in 4 years!)?. If so, you want enough performance and warranty to last that long.

On the other hand, maybe you are buying for someone with plenty of money who likes the latest and greatest. (Is there a doctor in the house?) In that case, put money into power and toys, not lengthy warranty.

If it's for an election worker, the laptop is probably not needed for more than a year or so, two at the most. Configure it accordingly.

Step 3: Determine the ergonomics. This is about the only use I have for big box stores. Wander the aisles and try out the different pointing devices and keyboards. Decide if you want widescreen or standard aspect ratio (standard is getting harder to find).

Do you like the glossy screen or will glare be a big problem where you are likely to use it most? Maybe you prefer matte finish. Glossy looks a little sharper for movies and Windows Vista Aero interface, and to see if someone is sneaking up behind you. But if you have an office with lots of windows or fluorescent lights, matte may be better for you.

If you will be using the laptop outside a lot, you may want to try out some laptops - from friends or coworkers - in that environment. It's no fun if you can't read the screen.

Size and Weight. Does it need to be compact or light? Some very nice units weigh in at under 4 pounds yet have a large enough keyboard and screen to be quite usable.

A typical high powered laptop will run around 6.5 pounds. But a laptop with a behemoth 17" screen tips the scale at almost 10 pounds!

Step 4: What kind of support will you need for it? Are you the type that just isn't comfortable talking to support staff in India, and would rather walk up to a counter with a live (even if disinterested) human being?

Or are you self sufficient enough to handle simple things on your own, maybe even get out a screwdriver and start prying the keyboard off if directed to?

Buy a laptop from a vendor who will give the kind of support that you require.

Step 5: Do you have budget constraints? If so, you may want to reference my article on "How to Buy a Laptop - 7 Areas to Cut Costs". Otherwise, you can skip right to my Laptop Buying Guide and see exactly what kind of system I recommend for the best price/performance purchase.

Do your research when buying a laptop. Do everything you can to help insure that you will be happy with it.

But, just in case, check out the return policy if you find that you really didn't get what you expected.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cheap Laptops Are On The Rise

In some cases, no matter how many computer repair solutions we have tried, we just cannot seem to fix the problem. We have tried everything from performing defrag to clean disk scans and have even ran multiple spyware, adware, and virus scans only to come up empty. You have visited every forum you could possibly find looking for computer repair solutions and just cannot seem to get a handle on what the problem really is.

You have a few choices when you reach this point. First, you could take your computer to a certified computer repair technician. The problem here is that you could end up paying a great deal of money, depending on the problem. In some cases, particularly in the case of older computers, it may be more than your computer is even worth.

Another choice you have is to look into cheap laptops. Sometimes, a computer just cannot be fixed without a great deal of time, money, and effort. All of which you may not be willing to invest in the computer that you currently have. Therefore, it may be time for something new or even something new to you.

Cheap laptops are great if you are just looking for a computer to do some surfing, shopping, maybe play a few online games, or research. Of course, if you are a hard core gamer or are looking for the high tech and advanced machines, you definitely will not find them in the cheap category.

For the simplistic functions, cheap laptops can be ideal. They are affordable, high quality, and can work great for any project you wish to undertake. Furthermore, it can sometimes be a much cheaper option than taking you existing computer into your local computer repair technician. Make sure you check the internet when looking for cheap laptops. The internet can often play host to some of the greatest deals and specials around today.

You can find a great laptop that is affordable and provides you with exactly what you need to keep you going. This could mean wi-fi cards, DVD capabilities, or certain software programs that you may require. The key is to searching cheap laptops using your favorite search engines and finding the right deal for you through comparison shopping, it is as easy as clicking the mouse.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Scoring Big With Laptop Reviews and Computer Desks

There are many ways you can save money now days. You can take advantage of special deals in department stores, you can clip coupons, however, if you are looking for those big ticket items, such as a laptop or computer desks, then you should turn to the internet. The internet is full of helpful laptop reviews and with these reviews, you will be able to find an affordable and high quality laptop that will eventually save you money.

How can laptop reviews help save you money? Well, think about it. If you go and purchase a laptop blinded, without having any real knowledge of what other users think or what they have experienced with a particular laptop, then you have no real idea if it is of high quality, if there are any bugs or problems to speak of, and so on. With these reviews you can have high quality laptops to sit on your computer desks and rest assured that you are making the right choice.

Laptop reviews are designed to give you a wealth of information. For example, you will learn what other users think about the particularly brand, make, and model. You will also learn about space, speed, capabilities, and extras. This is all important when you are looking for the right laptop.

Computer Desks

However, if you are looking into new computer desks for your office or home, you should be looking into reviews on desks. There are many different types of desks available for both the home and the office, this is why you might want to consider looking into computer desks reviews. You obviously will want something that is sturdy, durable, and can withstand the test of time and use.

Some computer desks are built to last, while others are built for cheapness. The choice is yours, you will need to consider your needs, your wants, and the availability of a model that provides you with both. Some desks are built for a full computer system, such as a desktop computer. However, others are designed to be compact and work for smaller items such as a laptop. Laptop reviews may also be able to point you in the right direction when you are looking for good computer desks as well.

The internet is full of helpful information, therefore, you should use your favorite search engine and make use of the internet for your laptop and desk needs.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Secret to Buying a Cheap Laptop for Under £200

If your looking for a cheap laptop, worried about an expensive laptop getting damaged or just want to buy a basic spec laptop for word-processing emails and wire less internet then refurbished laptops could be the best option for you. Refurbished laptops typically start from around £89.00 upwards depending on specification and condition.

What is a Refurbished Laptop?

A refurbished laptop (or reconditioned laptop) is a used laptop that has been restored to perfect working order. Perhaps it had a small fault, or a customer bought it and changed his mind, or perhaps there was a software incompatibility on the machine. Whatever the cause, a refurbished notebook or laptop will have gone through a rigorous restoration process to bring it back up to a high standard, ready for sale again. In most cases you'd never know it wasn't a brand new machine.

The Refurbishing Process

Most laptops go through various stages during the process of refurbishing, including:

Thorough examination of all hardware components Diagnostic and performance testing Resolving any software issues 'Cleaning' the machine A cut and scratch repair - although this is often not necessary

On completion of the reconditioning process the machine is as good as it was when it was brand new, with all its original capabilities and power, and often looks as if its never been used before. It will also have been put through stringent testing after the above process to make sure it's in perfect working order before it leaves the workshop.

Who is a Refurbished Laptop Suitable For?

A refurbished laptop is ideal for people who just want basic general use out of a computer and who don't want to pay the earth for it.

If you want to use the internet, do some word processing or spreadsheet work, watch DVDs, or download a bit of music etc. then a reconditioned laptop or notebook is ideal for you. When you buy a new laptop you can do all of these things - and more that you don't necessarily want to do, which is why you pay a more expensive price. But why pay for performance and facilities you don't really want and won't use?

If you're cost conscious and don't want to spend a large sum of money on increased performance and facilities you don't need, a refurbished laptop offers you a machine that's as good as new and does all the things you need it to do, for a great deal less money.

The types of people who would benefit most from a refurbished laptop include:

School pupils Students Retired folk Anyone on a budget People concerned about the environment

Reconditioned laptops are ideal for school pupils and for people who don't need a powerful machine for intense graphics packages and games. If you're concerned a new laptop [] might get damaged or dropped, buying a refurbished machine at an economical price makes more sense than buying one brand new for a lot more. Why spend a fortune on a new machine if it's likely it will get bumped or broken and need repairing sooner or later?

A refurbished laptop is not suitable for people who want to play the latest video games that require powerful processing speeds, a top-end graphics card, and oodles of memory, but if you're just interested in general use, the internet and word processing etc and you want to save hundreds of pounds then a reconditioned machine is for you. It's also friendlier to the environment as you recycle a perfectly good product that would otherwise have been wasted.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sony Ericsson K550i - More Than One Trick Up Its Sleeve

The Sony Ericsson K550i is a digital camera phone with Bluetooth technology. The digital camera can zoom in for a better resolution picture or you can take panoramic photos. The camera is a 2megapixal Cyber-Shot with auto focus, 2.25 digital zoom and 64 MB Memory Plus Memory Stick Micro M2. It is capable of video play and record as well, especially with the VideoDJ feature. If you like the idea of blogging, try picture blogging. That capability is featured on this model, too.

The web browser installed on the Sony Ericsson K550i is the Access NetFront web browser. For those who keep up on news with RSS feeds, this phone can do that as well. This phone is also Quad Band (GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800 & GSM 1900) networked so coverage and reception are good whether you are making or receiving a call or browsing the web.

Do you need to access your email wherever you are? The Sony Ericsson K550i supports push email as well as SMS, SMS Long and MMS. The predictive text input feature saves time when sending the same or similar messages. Other email clients supported on this mobile phone are POP3, IMAP4 and SMTP.

Music is also an important feature of this phone. You can download music in three clicks with Playnow to give you new MP3 ringtones and music with ease. With the built-in media player and FM radio RDS, music is as easy as the touch of a button. With MusicDJ and TrackID, you can have your music however you want it. The Bluetooth capability makes talking and listening wireless and easy. The MP3 player supports MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, m4a so having music in almost any format is possible on this model.

For the game lovers, there are 3D, Java, Embedded and downloadable games to provide hours of gaming fun. Whether games, music or video is your choice, this model can accommodate the downloads with GPRS connectivity. Navigation for what ever you need to do is easy with the 5-way keypad.

Even with the features this mobile phone has, it is one of the thinnest available. At 85g, it is lightweight, making it easy to carry in a pocket or handbag. Color options are limited but stylish with Jet Black or Pearl White. The Sony Ericsson K550i is packed with in demand features in a rather small package that makes it an in demand mobile phone.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Guide to Smart Phone PDAs for Average Joe

The average Joe looking for a smart phone PDA to buy may feel overwhelmed when he heads to his local dealer to check out what's available. That's because there are so many different ones to choose from and while many of them are good some of them are better than others and it is good to have an idea of how to shop to make sure you get the best smart phone.

The first thing you want to look for is that the phone is easy to use and just makes sense to you. If the way you toggle between screens does not make sense to you then you might want to look for another smart phone PDA. When you are considering this aspect there are quite a few other aspects you want to look into as well. These include overall usability, look and feel, ergonomics, and the functionality of the phone.

When it comes to overall usability you need to check out the file structure as well as the icons on the phone. Look and see if everything is explained in an easy to understand format and that the usability of the smart phone is easy for you. If not, then you might want to look at another smart phone. If you are considering a Samsung blackjack and a Motorola Q then give both of them a try and see which one feels more intuitive to you.

Look and feel is also important when it comes to a PDA smart phone. Consider the overall design of the phone to see if you like the way it looks as well as colors, graphics, and the interface. Ergonomics is also an issue that needs to be considered. How are the dimensions of the phone and how does it feel when you hold it? Is it easy to maneuver between the buttons and switches? When you compare between the phones you will be able to tell rapidly which one you are most comfortable with. Be sure to see the different applications the device offers as well.

If you decide on the Samsung Blackjack or the Motorola Q then don't forget to pick up the Samsung blackjack accessories or Motorola Q accessories.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

How to Select a Laptop

Buying a laptop is very much like buying a new car. It is something that laptop users look forward to, but hate at the same time. For one thing, manufacturers are consistently updating their machines to keep up with competitors and to make what their customers tell them are needed improvements. Unfortunately, what seems like a good idea to one person may be a turn-off to another.

There are many popular laptop manufacturers in the market right now; Dell, Lenovo, Hewlett Packard (HP), Acer, Compaq, Gateway, Sony, Toshiba and Alienware are among the most commonly available. Each manufacturer listed above offers several different models of laptops, some offer complete families of machines sorted by the intended purpose.

If you are looking for a high-end business laptop that offers a small-form case with a high-speed processor and large capacity hard drive, you are certain to find a model from each manufacturer that will meet your requirements. However, if you are looking for a portable media center or a laptop that will be used for significant gaming you are likely to find your options significantly reduced.

Here are some questions that you should ask yourself when you are determining which laptop is the best option for you:

Are you loyal to a specific manufacturer, and if so what has your experience been with that company in the past?

What software applications will you need to run on your laptop, and what are the system requirements of those packages?

Is size/weight a significant consideration for you?

Do you do intensive layout work which might entail a need for a specific size screen or even a widescreen?

What type of warranty would you like to have with your laptop?

Will you use a docking station, or will you be moving your laptop to different locations on a frequent basis?

How long do you intent to keep your laptop? If the answer is two or more years, then you will want to look at those options with the fastest available processors and the highest possible amount of memory.

How much data will be stored on the laptop, and what type of files are they? This makes a difference if you intend to keep your entire digital music collection on your hard drive, or to store entire movies. Also, if you are planning to have 120GB worth of data files, you will not want to buy a laptop that has an 80GB hard drive.

Do you do a lot of graphics work, or do you play graphically intensive video games (such as World of Warcraft) that will require a high end video card with excellent resolution? There is a price premium associated with this type of video card, so if you do not need it you may want to opt for a lower-end card to reduce costs.

How much money are you willing to spend?

If you have looked at the questions above, you probably have a very good idea of what you actually need in a laptop. The next thing that you should do is to check Consumer Reports or another consumer review publication which will give you insight into the performance of each model.

Talk to representatives from several retailers or manufacturers with your list of questions handy. This will allow you to get quotes on similar quality machines from several different sources.

Price Comparison on the Major Laptop Brands

Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, Nec, IBM, Hp/Compaq, Gateway, Fujitsu, Acer and Dell


Satellite - $800-$1,500

Tecra - $1,200 - $2,000

Qosmio - $2,500-$3,000


Vaio: $1,500-$2,500


Versa - $800-$1,200

IBM / Lenovo:

ThinkPad - $1,500-$3,000

Hp / Compaq:

HP Pavilion - $1,100-$1,400

Compaq Presario - $600-$1,000


Gateway Notebook - $700-$1,400


Lifebook - $1,100-$1,400


Aspire - $800-$1,600

TravelMate - $1,600-$1,800

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

'Connectivity' at its Best With HTC TyTN Smartphone

Nowadays, mobile phones are not just for having a chat. Last couple of years has witnessed the ushering of the smartphones era. A smartphone is not just a mobile but a device having advanced information access features, such as Web access, e-mail exchanging, voice recognition, etc in addition to providing a complete personal organiser.

HTC has gained a strong foothold in the smartphone market. HTC is not only manufacturing trendy smartphones but is also selling them under its own brand name.

HTC TyTN (with the code name is HTC Hermes) smartphone is gaining popularity among the 'connoisseurs' of high-tech mobile phones. TyTN (pronounced as 'Titan') is available in black and silver colours.

One of the features that this smartphone boasts of is the smartly-concealed QWERTY keyboard that you need to just slide out for using the phone as a messaging device. The keys are easy to use for typing and they really make typing a pleasurable experience. You can use your two thumbs or forefingers for typing.

So, you can send important messages or edit some crucial business documents even when you are walking!

The keys in HTC TyTN are rectangular in shape and are packed tightly together. There are 39 keys in the keyboard arranged in four rows, each row having ten keys each. The spacebar is located in the bottom row and occupies two positions. There are two soft keys to control menus from the keyboard. The locks present in the keyboard help to keep the keyboard firmly shut or fully extended. This ensures easy typing.

TyTN offers attractive connectivity features. It supports triband UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) that offer the benefit of global roaming, i.e you can stay connected to your office colleagues and closed ones wherever you are. This smartphone also supports 3G capabilities that facilitate simultaneous transfer of voice data (telephone calls) and non-voice data (information download, e-mail exchange and instant messaging. HTC TyTN also has support for Wi-Fi, quad-band GSM and GPRS/EDGE wireless communication technologies.

So, the next time you go for a business tour, leave behind the bulky laptops at home and communicate in a sleek and smart way with the TyTN smartphone.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

No Strings Attached - Panasonic Phones

Technological advancement has made our life so easy both outside as well as inside our homes. When at home, we want to be completely at ease and move about freely whether during work or during leisure. Even when we are talking on the phone, it is a pain to stick at one place or get entangled in the multiple wires attached to the phone. But the invention of cordless phone and their easy availability has provided common people like you and me, the freedom to move around while we talk.

There is a plethora of cordless phones in UK. But it is advised that you go for a well known brand like Uniden or Panasonic Phones. Going for brands give you an assurance of good quality and they also come with cool features that make a pleasurable activity like talking more enjoyable. For instance, the Panasonic KX - TG8122E Twin DECT Cordless Phone comes with answering machine and has colour handset with silver body. The silver body makes a style statement for you while the colour handset fills the vibrancy of colours in your speech. The answering machine helps you stay connected with important messages even when you are not around.

The Panasonic KX-TG5771S works on 5.8 GHz digital system which does not interfere with your Wi-Fi network. You can put up to eight handsets in any part of your house. You don't have to worry about wiring or phone jacks as only the base unit would need a phone jack - all other units plug into a standard outlet. This phone offers talking Caller ID and all digital answering system. You can remote control the answering system from the handset line. Adding more fun to the phone, you can change your ring tone to your favourite song or you can also switch off the sound and turn on the visual ringer lights to keep pin drop silence even when you have a call.

This is just an overview of the amazing features modern day cordless phones offer. You can search Internet for further details on each and every model of Panasonic Phones or some other phones of your choice.

Monday, March 11, 2013

What To Look For In A Cheap Notebook Computer

The most important component to your notebook computer is the processor or CPU. There really are only two processors you should consider if you are purchasing a new notebook computer. The first is the Intel Core 2 Duo and the second is the Intel Core Duo. These chips are top of the line. But don't worry, there are plenty of rigs utilizing these chips that still come in at well under $1000.

Don't make the mistake of looking at short-term price alone. If you want to get a cheap notebook computer for $400 but you get one that is already utilizing old technology you will be buying another cheap notebook computer in a year or two. Whereas if you spend a little bit more and get a cheap notebook computer that will last you 3-4 years, you will end up saving several hundred dollars in the long run. What I'm saying is shop around to get a good deal on a quality computer. Don't just buy the cheapest thing out there.

The second thing to look for is the memory or RAM. You need at least 512MB of ram to run today's operating systems. That being said having 1GB of RAM is preferable. It won't cost you that much so buck up a few extra dollars and get the additional RAM when you purchase your notebook computer. You will be happy you did.

Battery life is also extremely important. The purpose of getting a notebook computer is because they are mobile. If you constantly have to plug in your notebook computer it kind of defeats the purpose. The better notebooks can get 3-6 hours of use from a fully charged battery. Other factors affect battery life but the CPU plays an important role. The Intel Core 2 Duo gets the most performance and has the best battery life. Chalk up another plus for the Core 2 Duo. The Intel Core Duo also facilitates great battery life. AMD's Turion line ranks well but the performance isn't as great as the Core Duo line of chips.

Hard drive space is important as well. If you don't have enough space you will constantly be backing up items so you can clean out some space on your hard drive to keep your computer running. Keep in mind that media files take up the most space. So if you aren't storing large amounts of movies and music on your computer you will probably be just fine with a 60-80 GB hard drive.

Other factors to consider are your peripherals. For example, you need wireless internet access. If your cheap notebook computer doesn't come with one you'll have to purchase a wireless card. Does the computer have a multimedia reader? Depending on how often you need to transfer information these can be quite useful. Your optical drive can be important as well. Does the cheap notebook computer you are looking at have a CD/DVD burner? Having a drive that is interchangeable might be a nice feature to look for as well.

So, now that we know what we are looking for how much will all of this cost? For new notebook computers you can get a Core 2 Duo machine starting around $800. If you look around and don't mind buying used you can find a pretty decent cheap notebook computer for $400-$500. However, buying used you generally forego the warranty.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Free Ipod Games & Downloads - Where to Find Free Games and Downloads for Your iPod

There is a new gaming world developing around the iPod today. While your iPod will come already loaded with games, there are a lot more of them that you can download online. Some of these games can actually be downloaded for free. These games include everything from quiz games to murder mysteries wherein you are to be the one to catch the killer. So, as you can see, the iPod is no longer just for music on the go as the company is now dedicated to providing great new games for their users.

You will need to be careful whenever you are searching for these games because there are a lot of web sites that claim to have these games but they in fact do not have them. One web site that you can truly count on for these games is iPod Arcade. This really is your 1 stop resource for all of the games that iPod has to offer. The best part is that these games are completely free and easy to download.

There are actually tons of games on this web site. In fact, everything you could possibly imagine or desire is there. There are trivia games including everything from Bible trivia to sports trivia and everything imaginable in between. If you are interested, you can also make your own trivia games. Of course, there are also games in which you can choose your own adventure. You can do everything from breaking out of jail to capturing animals that have escaped from your zoo.

Other things that you may enjoy on your iPod include Mad Libs and jokes. A Mad Lib is a funny little story that you can write. It is your 'job' to enter the missing words whenever you are asked for them. As for the jokes, they include 'yo mama,' pick up lines and one liners.

Today, a lot more people are becoming quite obsessed with technology. These people are waiting to run out and buy the next big thing. The iPod is it right now because it can act as a TV, stereo and gaming unit all rolled into one.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

4 Steps To Weed Out Spyware

Spyware is pervasive and if you are connected to the internet then you are bound to have spyware on your computer. Having spyware residing inside your computer is akin to having unwanted strangers living in your house. Because you don't know them, you also don't know what harm and destructiveness they can get up to. Most of the time spyware can just be a real pain but at it's worst it can be a real privacy risk and can result in financial loss.

Here are 5 easy steps to stamp out spyware from your computer.

1. Download software from a honest spring. The most ordinary way for spyware to sneak into your computer is from released software or peer-to-peer networks. If you actually want to get your hands on some effective released software the best spring is to go to which has a no spyware procedure. Be wary of any software that offers to download additional programs that you did not originally want.

2. Don't just download any defiant-spyware software. Spyware creators have trapped against the truth that they are unwanted so they have shrewdly happening creating so called spyware deletion software to help you get rid of the very spyware they twisted. Don't be fooled, stab to credible spyware removers which are untaken to actually do the job of removing spyware from your computer.

3. dodge dodgy websites that can potentially establish spyware on your computer. Some dodgy sites use spyware as a way to supplement their salary and it can result in wounding spyware being established against your computer. The most ordinary dodgy sites are porn or betting sites which can usurp your computer or incense you with persistent spyware initiated advertising on your display.

4. Have an up to year spyware deletion software established on your computer. Spyware like viruses are constantly being twisted and you thus want to keep your spyware deletion software up to year by utilizing their upyear story. You want to be operation your spyware deletion software on a frequent root otherwise there isn't any heart having it there just meeting on your computer. You will find that with some spyware you can wipe your computer from them one day and they'll be there again the next.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Adware - Freeware - Spyware

The spyware is oftentimes integrated into the freewares. Freewares refer to the series of softwares that can be downloaded anytime and free of charge. They come as a package. It is like a buy one take one promo.

It will be beneficial for you to start off with reading the user agreement of the program so that you will be unable to install those unwanted programs that tend to be malicious. Another mode wherein the spyware software can get into the mainstream of your computer network system is through the access of the sites whereas your browser contains security holes.

Meaning, your browser can be prone to these unsafe ventures. It is important that before you click on a link, you first evaluate the website which you are to visit. By this, you may avoid the entry of spyware into your computer network system.

The computer hangs, freezes, or slows down. It is because the spyware software eat up a lot of the recall means that causes the computer to catch up and be slothful.

You experience numerous trying pop up ads which tend to be very uncontrollable. They just become too persistent that they keep sporadic on the divider. These pop up ads resume to exist even if you do not pay thought to clicking the websites or relatives. There are even those that automatically come up when the windows are crooked on.

You get to meet a commandeered duck homepage. It gets to mean that an anonymous website or something which you asylum't visited before comes out as a duck homepage as existingly as you start with your browser. It is not genuinely the one that your settings have set up. As existingly as you start typing another seek engine, you get directed to another link.

As existingly as you spot that a spyware software is existing in your computer, scrap it at once. Here are significant steps on the spyware deduction.

Look into your brief slants. The computer brief slant will let you see the programs which are existingly operation in your computer system. To do it, compel CTRL+ALT+DEL. It is best that you familiarize manually with the documents which you keep on your computer because you will simply clarify if there is a suspicious thing on the slant. If there exists to be one, it can be a spyware software.

patent your computer start up slant. There are spyware that automatically start up. Run the msconfig. Do this by typing 'msconfig' in the Windows Run charge.

stop out the unfamiliar programs included in your program slant. Do this by scrutiny out the Programs Menu or the Add/delete Programs which is under the dominate Panel. select that which is unfamiliar to you and then uninstall them at once.

Get to install at slightest one or more than one defiant spyware programs. The best spyware deduction tool is that which perfectly bcatchs the entry of more spyware.

Manually amputate the spyware that cannot be scrapd by the spyware deduction tool. There are actually those hard-headed spyware programs and they can only be scraped manually.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Latest Trends in Mobile Phones

People have been finding it difficult to carry a digital camera, a handy camera, an mp3 player and a mobile phone where ever they go. This has been well understood by the mobile phone manufactures.

In order to satisfy the customers and to attract more customers the first step taken in the development trend was the integration of the camera, video camera and Mp3 in a mobile device. Once this was done the next step was to develop these features. The latest features that are present in cell phones are

o Mp3 player - the mobile phone plays Mp3 songs with high clarity and greater bass effect and clarity

o Blue tooth - mobiles phones comes with an inbuilt blue tooth device, which is mainly used for data transfer between mobile phones.

o 3g - this is a technology that is used to connect the mobile to the Internet and browse websites with a greater speed of connectivity.

o Wifi - wifi is a technology by means of which a mobile can be connected to any wireless network.

o Touch screen - no more keypads, every thing is getting converted to touch screen technology.

o Video call - video call feature is similar to the video chat that is performed using the camera of the phones.

o GPS and GPRS - global positioning system helps a person to locate himself on any part of this world. It ensures that a person does not get lost.

o Flash light - the flashlight that has been provided in the mobile helps a person to capture photos with greater clarity in dark places.

o Integrated cam - the latest camera resolution is 5-mega pixels, which is more than the basic digital camera and gives a great sense of clarity.

o Cyber shot - this is a special feature of a camera lens that is present in a mobile. The cyber shot is taking photos in motion.

o Black berry - a mobile phone that performs all operations as that of a computer and can be used to do office jobs while staying in home.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pervasive Computing

Pervasive computing is the trend towards increasingly ubiquitous (another name for the movement is ubiquitous computing), connected computing devices in the environment, a trend being brought about by a convergence of advanced electronic - and particularly, wireless - technologies and the Internet. Pervasive computing devices are not personal computers as we tend to think of them, but very tiny - even invisible - devices, either mobile or embedded in almost any type of object imaginable, including cars, tools, appliances, clothing and various consumer goods - all communicating through increasingly interconnected networks.

Modern devices that may serve the ubiquitous computing model include mobile phones, digital audio players, radio-frequency identification tags and interactive whiteboards. Other terms for ubiquitous computing include pervasive computing, calm technology, things that think, everyware, and more recently, pervasive Internet.

Ubiquitous computing encompasses a wide range of research topics, including distributed computing, mobile computing, sensor networks, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence.


Pervasive computing is the third wave of computing technologies to emerge since computers first appeared:

o First Wave - Mainframe computing era: one computer shared by many people, via


o Second Wave - Personal computing era: one computer used by one person, requiring a

conscious interaction. Users largely bound to desktop.

o Third Wave - Pervasive (initially called ubiquitous) computing era: one person, many

computers. Millions of computers embedded in the environment, allowing technology

to recede into the background.


Eight billion embedded microprocessors are produced each year. This number is expected to rise dramatically over the next decade, making electronic devices ever more pervasive. These devices will range from a few millimeters in size (small sensors) to several meters (displays and surfaces). They may be interconnected via wired and wireless technologies into broader, more capable, networks. Pervasive computing systems and services may lead to a greater degree of user knowledge of, or control over, the surrounding environment, whether at home, or in an office or car.There have been calls for more widespread debate on the implications of pervasive computing while it is still at an early stage of development.


Pervasive computing technologies classified in to four converging areas

- Mobile Computing

- Embedded and Applied computing

- RFID and Sensors

- Mobile and sensor networking

Mobile Computing

The widespread use of mobile computing devices has changed the way people compute and vastly expanded research areas in distributed computing and networking. In fact, traditional distributed computing is actually a subset of the broad area of mobile computing. Many topics in "mature" areas like distributed databases, distributed fault tolerance, and resource management now require much additional study, because many traditional assumptions are challenged. Mobile computers operate in more hostile environments, are resource-constrained (limited power, frequent disconnection), and are peripheral-poor.

Mobile computing is changing the way we live and work, as profoundly as the introduction of the automobile did almost a century ago. Key advances in mobile networking, wireless connectivity, mobile information access, content adaptation, data synchronization, technology for notebook and wearable computers, and innovative mobile e-business solutions have come from worldwide research laboratories..

Some of the recent research in mobile computing includes:


TeamAwear is a basketball jersey that displays real-time information about its wearer's statistics such as their fouls, points, and scores and alerts players when the game is nearly over or when time is running out to shoot. Mitchell Page and Andrew Vande Moere at the Centre of Design Computing and Cognition of the University of Sydney developed the system, which consists of numerous colored electroluminescent panels. A small computer attached to the player's body controls the panels and communicates wirelessly with a server that tracks relevant game statistics. For example, panels on the jersey's side light up to show how many goals the wearer has scored, with each panel representing 10 goals Although the inventors developed the TeamAwear jersey originally for basketball, they claim that it could also work in other fast-paced sports in which player-specific data changes rapidly, such as soccer, volleyball, cricket, and baseball. It could also support emergency teams working in noisy environments where verbal communication is inefficient.


If you've ever looked at the night sky and wondered what stars you were observing, Celestron's SkyScout might be for you. Especially useful for novice astronomers, this handheld device combines GPS technology with a map of the sky to identify, locate, and provide information about celestial bodies. To identify an object of interest, you simply view it through the SkyScout and press the Identify button. SkyScout's technology identifies the object and tells you what it is. To locate a celestial body, you select it from a reasonably easy-touse menu of objects and press the Locate button. SkyScout uses red directional arrows around the eyepiece to guide you to the object in the sky. A nice feature is that the menu shows only objects that should be visible. (Unfortunately, Sky- Scout has no way to know which of those objects are blocked by trees). Finally, the device can educate you about many of the more popular celestial bodies. The information is available both through audio and text and includes facts about the object and its history and mythology. SkyScout's release was delayed in 2006 because of manufacturing problems in one of the components.


Nokia has announced three new mobile phones in its multimedia Nseries, each targeting a different market segment. The N71, N80, and N92 offer a long list of features. The N71, from the Nokia XpressMusic family, offers an FM stereo tuner, a five-band equalizer, and support for audio and video formats including MP3, AAC, eAAC+, WMA, JPEG, and MPEG-4. It offers a 240 _ 320-pixel display and two cameras, one 2-megapixel (1600 _ 1200 pixel) and the other VGA (640 _ 480 pixel). It operates on dual-mode wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA)/GSM and triband GSM. The N80 offers a 352 _ 416-pixel display and a 3-megapixel camera with features including four flash modes, 10 scene modes, manual exposure correction, and four color tones.

Embedded and Applied Computing

Embedded and ubiquitous computing is an exciting new paradigm that provides computing and communication services all the time and everywhere. Its systems are now affecting every aspect of our life to the point that they are hidden inside various appliances. This emergence is a natural outcome of research and technological advances in embedded systems. An Embedded Pervasive Computing Environment is equipped with hardware and software components that autonomously respond to the needs of its occupants. Embedded system is the core part of pervasive computing and it deals with various applications like wearable computer architecture and applications, sensor networks, real-time embedded operating systems, embedded servers, embedded system networking, address-free routing, smart spaces, dynamic service discovery, mobility and case studies. Some of the on-going researches in embedded systems include:


Who hasn't dreamt of a display that rolls up when not in use? Phillips took one step toward this dream on a commercial scale when it formed venture company Polymer Vision in January 2004. Polymer Vision recently reported that it can make a flexible display with a 2 cm bending radius. The display is an organics-based, QVGA (320 240 pixels) active-matrix display, 5 in. on the diagonal and 85 dpi. The display layers a 200-micron thick, reflective Electronic-Ink display from E Ink Corporation ( on top of a 25-micron thick, active-matrix plane.


Xcelis ( has developed an innovative product for coupling cell phones and landline handsets. The Pantheon (see Figure 3) plugs into a landline phone line and, using a Bluetooth connection, routes incoming and outgoing voice calls and data from users' cell phones to their landline handsets. The Pantheon indicates incoming mobile calls with a distinctive ring. While the mobile call is in progress, it doesn't tie up the landline, meaning you can still receive landline calls through your other telephones.

You need one device for each landline telephone that you want to multiplex. When making calls from your landline, you can choose whether to use your cell phone or landline account. The Pantheon provides additional features, including conferencing a landline call and a mobile call, accessing a user's mobile phonebook from a landline phone, and switching mid-call from a landline phone to a mobile phone. The Pantheon is also compatible with voice over IP handsets.


Todd Kuiken at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine has developed a thought-powered bionic arm. The arm is based on a pioneering muscle reinnervation procedure that takes an amputee's nerves and connects them to a healthy muscle. Doctors take nerves that used to go to the arm and connect them to chest muscles. The nerves grow into the chest muscles and can contract the muscle when the patient thinks, for example, "Close hand." Electrical signals from the chest muscles drive the arm. Surface electrodes sense these impulses from the pectoral muscle and carry them through to the arm, causing it to move. Jesse Sullivan, a high-power lineman who had both of his arms amputated after being severely electrocuted, is the first patient to be outfitted with bionic arms. The arms have enabled him to do daily activities such as put on socks, shave, eat dinner, take out the garbage, carry groceries, and vacuum. Future generations of the arm will incorporate the sense of touch and feeling.

Mobile and Sensor networking

Sensor mobility allows better coverage in areas where events occur frequently in many sensor networks, considerably more units are available than necessary for simple coverage of the space. Augmenting sensor networks with motion can exploit this surplus to enhance sensing while also improving the network's lifetime and reliability. When a major incident such as a fire or chemical spill occurs, several sensors can cluster around that incident. This ensures good coverage of the event and provides immediate redundancy in case of failure another use of mobility comes about if the specific area of interest (within a larger area) is unknown during deployment. For example, if a network is deployed to monitor the migration of a herd of animals, the herd's exact path through an area will be unknown beforehand. But as the herd moves, the sensors could converge on it to get the maximum amount of data. In addition, the sensors could move such that they also maintain complete coverage of their environment while reacting to the events in that environment. In this way, at least one sensor still detects any events that occur in isolation, while several sensors more carefully observe dense clusters of events. On going researches in sensor networking includes:


Option is offering a PC data card that can access wireless broadband worldwide. You can use the GlobeTrotter GT Max on the 850, 1900, or 2100 MHz HSDPA/UMTS (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access/Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) networks and the 850, 900, 1800, or 1900 MHz EDGE/ GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) bands. The card can support data speeds up to 1.8 megabits per second on HSDPA networks, 384 kilobits per second on UMTS networks, 247 Kbps on EDGE networks, and 85 Kbps on GPRS networks. It's a Type II PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)-compliant 3.3-V PC card and includes a novel "Butterfly" retractable antenna that doesn't require users to remove the card when it's not in use. Numerous wireless carriers offer the card, including Cingular, which recently announced that it would offer it under two plans. One plan will cost users $110 per month and includes unlimited data use in the US and 100 Mbytes of downloads in Canada and Mexico. The other plan will cost $140 and will include unlimited use in the US and 100 Mbytes of downloads in 24 countries including Australia, China, France, Italy, and Germany.


The house of the future won't need cleaning. Not by humans, leastways. Every surface will be dirt-repellent and antibacterial; and on the floors the vacuum cleaner is buzzing around - all on its own. The outer walls are all glass which can be screened off entirely and the interior surface used as TV screen. The scenario of the self-cleaning house belongs in the distant future, maybe 20 years from now. With the rapidly increasing development of nanotechnology we have seen for the past few years, it is not easy to predict a specific time span and it will be not only self-cleaning but also self-sufficient, energy wise. Today, the Australians are already experimenting with nanoglass-houses where the glass can be treated with a pigmented coating rendering the entire house non-transparent - the roof included.


The house of the future will be capable of alerting its owner if it's in need of repair. The building materials will, of course, be susceptible to wear and tear due to wind and weather, and they will therefore have built-in sensors. When these sensors appear, the house computer will receive a message that this particular section needs repair. A variety of conditions are similarly monitored. This way, house owners can cheaply repair worn materials and avoid major, expensive repairs after the damage has been done.


The intelligent house of the future will alert the fire brigade in case of fire when you're at work. Or, if you've got a leaky water pipe, it will get hold of the plumber. Multifunctional sensors throughout the house will keep an eye on heating, lights, indoor climate etc. The house of the future will comprise two major digital gateways. One gateway will be the media server which comprises the complete collection of the family's music, films, photos etc. Another feature will be the highly secure homegateway - a server communicating with the many sensors distributed all over the house to monitor heating, indoor climate etc. The two gateways are separate entities, as the security on the homegateway needs to be exceedingly tight. This gateway should not be exposed to hacking, which could have fatal consequences with respect to security. If, for instance, the motion detectors are tampered with, the burglar alarm might be disabled. Likewise, it would be an unpleasant experience to come home to a room temperature of 40 degrees Celcisus, because someone is mad at you and has hacked into your system to change the temperature settings Thus, each room in the house of the future will be equipped with small sensors. - Larger rooms may have several. They will measure the physical conditions in the room and communicate with the homegateway which will then take care of the Internet-based communication out of the house.

RFID and Sensors

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology uses radiofrequency waves to transfer data between readers and movable tagged objects without line of sight. RFID holds the promise of real-time identifying, locating, tracking and monitoring physical objects, and can be used for a wide range of pervasive computing applications. To achieve these goals, RFID data have to be collected, transformed and expressively modeled as their virtual counterparts in the virtual world. RFID data, however, have their own unique characteristics - including aggregation, location, temporal and history-oriented - which have to be fully considered and integrated into the data model. The diversity of RFID applications pose further challenges to a generalized framework for RFID data modeling. Today, Radio Frequency Identification enjoys an enormous interest as the first widely deployed pervasive technology as not only from the standpoint of research

but also from Corporate practices future. Some of the recent researches in RFID technologies include:


The Ubiquitous ID Center provides the infrastructure for managing electronic tags embedded in or attached to objects in a ubiquitous environment. The center developed the ucode, a multicode tag that automatically identifies information stored in bar codes, RFID chips, smart cards, and electronic tags embedded in virtual entities such as software and electronic money. Comparable to the ISBN (International Standard Book Numbering) code used in the publishing industry, the UID Center assigns unique numbers to each tag and stores data relating to the object in database servers. The ucode tags use a 128-bit code that can be extended in 128-bit units, creating a virtually limitless string of numbers. To navigate this tagged environment, the UID Center developed the Ubiquitous Communicator, a PDA-like device that reads ucode tags and retrieves the relevant data from the UID Center's server database. The standard UC has a host of features, including wireless LAN, Voice over Internet Protocol, infrared data communication, and a biometric reader. Apart from the PDA-like version, the UID Center developed a cell phone model and a watch style. At home, it will serve as the remote control for home entertainment systems and appliances. In the office, it will read a printer's tag and order a replacement cartridge as needed


Smart packaging became a possibility with the introduction of small battery-free microprocessors called RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) tags. Though these have been commercially available for a number of years, they have been too clunky and too expensive for use in packaging. This situation is changing rapidly: industry experts predict that the price per tag will fall to under 10 cents each in the course of five years or so. The new generation of RFID tags can take the form of a sticker like the classic bar codes, or they can be directly integrated into the packaging material itself. They consist of a silicon microprocessor and some form of radio antenna--conductive carbon ink is replacing the more expensive metal coil of earlier tag types. This radio antenna functions as both input/output channel and power source. Electricity is generated in the antenna by either a magnetic field or a radio signal; the tag responds by sending out a radio signal in turn. This reply signal contains metadata stored on the chip, typically an ID number .With the help of RFID readers--in our cell phones, in supermarket freezers and check-outs, in our private fridges--we will be able to retrieve information about a particular item based on its ID number. In fact, the first cell phones with built-in readers, based on NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, are already on the market.


The smart tags which will soon begin replacing bar codes in our supermarkets are actually pretty dumb: their only ability is reciting their ID code on command. With the next generation of MEMS tags, the epithet 'smart' will be more fitting. MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) tags are able to perform measurements and calculations. MEMS tags are especially interesting in connection with extremely perishable goods like milk and meat. Studies have shown that the 'sell by' date on such products is dubious at best: milk only stays fresh until the given date as long as it is stored at the right temperature. Storage is the key term here; for example, that the temperature in around one-fifth of the meat and dairy cases in American supermarkets is three or four degrees too high. And what happens when we leave the milk out on the kitchen counter all morning? MEMS tags in smart packages will be able to take the milk's temperature every fifteen minutes. The measurements are then sent to a small microprocessor which calculates the milk's estimated freshness.


The fridge of the future will have a door with a built-in scanner for reading the digital tags on food packages. This way the refrigerator will always keep abreast of what is put into it; and the screen on the door can supply an overview of what's behind the door. By scanning all foodstuffs, you will always have an updated listing of your current supplies - canned and frozen food included. In other words: the refrigerator comes to play the part of digital administrator of the kitchen. Should you e.g. keep food approaching its expiry date, the fridge will alert you. The product can then be used at once, and you avoid having to throw away food. The screen is connected to the Internet, and each and every chip tagged to the packaging will represent a Web site which can be visited by the fridge as the food products are stowed away. Thus it can check for any warnings issued for this particular product. We all remember instances of contaminated food which, undetected by producers, have ended up in supermarkets and, consequently, household fridge or freezer. In such cases, an alert from the refrigerator could reduce the risks considerably. Since the fridge frequently runs automatic checks on the net, users are no longer dependent on radio and TV alerts.



Research Associate - TIFAC-CORE

Velammal Engineering College

Chennai - 600 066


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Changing Spyware

The spyware is a type of software that changes a computer performance or normal operation. In some cases, it partially controlled by someone who is not authorized user of that system. Usually a spyware is installed in your computer without you knowing about it. Sometimes it is part of software that is being downloaded in the internet and when you install it there is a spyware included in it.

Moreover, the hazard that the spyware poses can wane your computer's capital. It causes instability, thick performance, sling trains, racket the system and eventually ruin your computer. because we are all computer needy or uses computer spyware might be able pass to productivity killer for your custom.

Another hazard of spyware is that it can examine all your action in your computer like visiting websites, typing your account and password information and then remit it back to a third gather. The nastiest snag is that the vendor of spyware will use your account without your permission.

With the mounting hazards and collision that can have your system of spyware, it is now important that you have education on this and opening to shelter your computer with this spyware. Look for the best spyware deleter trains that can be use in conjunction with other defiant-virus to completely shelter your computer.

Now to be able to shelter your PC, Microsoft has urban a spyware deleter tool that can be worn to sense and delete spyware to your PC with a windows effective system.

The Microsoft beta spyware tool is open to download if you are with actual software of Microsoft XP effective system. Microsoft had implemented a validation confirm to confirm for banned copies of Windows XP. So to be able to get a fake of Microsoft beta spyware tool for open, get first actual Windows XP effective system.

Once you have downloaded and installed Microsoft spyware beta report on your computer, it immediately shelter your PC against spyware invaders. The software is comprised of searcher that will sense, delete and fix records infected with spyware.

Scanning your system will just take for about 15-20 notes depending on the volume of your hard guide. After completing the search it will show you the slope of sensed spyware.

Microsoft had also free the Beta 2 report of windows guard a Microsoft spyware deleter tool. It simply and abruptly finds spyware and other discarded trains and eventually deletes it. And if you accidentally uninstalled important train, you can simply rebuild it with this report. Beta 2 report runs in background so it would not distract you while you're effective. And it has an routine updates you can download to stop your computer from new hazards.

Microsoft spyware deleter tool also rebuilds the duck settings of your Internet traveler that may have been tainted by spyware infections. If you do not have this spyware deleter, it would be a snag to you to revenue the normal skin of your Internet traveler after spyware has infected it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Refurbished Laptops for Students - Do They Make Sense?

As a former college student, I remember the chief complaint that my friends and I had- which was lack of funds. Trekking to the computer lab late at night was not only inconvenient, but, (especially for my female friends), not the safest thing in the world to have to do. Having my own laptop computer would make things a lot simpler, but should I finance a laptop using money I didn’t have, or should I look at purchasing refurbished?

In order for me to make a wise decision, I stepped through a logical process:

1. What activities will I be using this laptop for?

2. What will I need to do to make this laptop integrate with the on campus network?

3. What “bells and whistles” do I want, and can I afford them.

Using budget as the primary concern, a refurbished laptop would make sense. First of all, most students needs are basic - Internet for research, Microsoft Office,(or equivalent), for papers and projects, and email to stay connected to friends. Everything else is in essence a “bell and whistle” that definitely adds to the experience, but doesn’t necessarily tie in to my budget.

Another concern is the great specials going on at the major electronics superstores. A lot of these prices come close to the prices of refurbished laptop computers, however, upon closer inspection most “deals” are based on mail in rebates. Waiting 6-8 weeks for $200.00 or more of my much- needed cash is not high on my list of priorities right now.

Looking at the situation, a refurbished business class notebook was right for me. When you think about it, it makes sense. Most business class notebooks focus on doing the basics well while throwing in a couple of bells an whistles such as a DVD drive or a firewire port here and there. They almost certainly are capable of connecting to most any network and aren’t so heavy as to not be portable.

If I were to choose today, I might look at a refurbished Dell latitude D600 [] which retails for $489.00. or a refurbished IBM Thinkpad R40 [] which retails for an even cheaper $469.00 Both offer DVD Rom, (in the case of the D600, CDRW as well), Microsoft Windows XP Professional, all required ports, and in the case of the R40, a 15″ screen, ( nice for using my laptop as a portable entertainment station.)

All in all, there are plenty of refurbished options for students which will make campus life a little richer, and ligher on the pocket.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Mobile Device Selection Guide

In this productivity competitiveness era, mobile phone has become the most important and essential gadget of this decade. Selection of mobile phones is also crucial to individual. The right type of phone not only enhances one’s productivity but also brings great entertainment values.

There are four major platforms in which mobile devices adopt currently in the market. They are: Windows Mobile, Palm OS , Symbian OS & OEM Proprietary OS. With the advancement in mobile phone technology, irregardless of the OS/ platforms, most mobile phones are endowed with camera, music player, video player, internet access, office tools, 3G technology for video call and fast connectivity. These handsets include Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, HTC, Eten, Dopod, Asus, Palm etc.

The most popular Mobile phone OS is Symbian OS. Within the Symbian OS, it has several series & edition. Nokia has its own Series whereas most of the mobile phones adopt 60 Series. Symbian OS series includes Nokia 30 Series, Nokia 40 Series, 60 Series, Nokia 80 Series, Nokia 90 Series, UIQ Series & N-Gage. Due to its wide range of series, the software compatibility is a major issue for such phone.

The next popular Mobile device OS is Window Mobile developed by Microsoft. This OS is less complex in terms of edition as compared with Symbian OS. It started of with WindowCE, WM2002, 2003, 2003SE, WM5.0 & the most recent WM6.0. Unlike Symbian OS, the various version of Window Mobile is the upgrade of the previous version. As such, some software running in older Window Mobile version is still compatible with the latest version of OS. Most importantly, almost all software is compatible to all Window Mobile OS operated devices. This gives a wide variety of software for Window Mobile OS operated devices.

Palm OS is used to be a very popular OS due to its low consumption in power & memory resource. With the emergence of wide range of Window Mobile devices and Smart phones from various manufacturers, coupled with the improved battery and memory technology, this has overcome the previous issues and concerns. There is also lots of software written for Palm OS, ranging from productivity to entertainment and no worry about the compatibility issue.

The least popular OS is the OEM-proprietary OS. This is a common practice adopted by manufacturer back in 1997 when the smart-phone technology is not that matured and standardized. The disadvantage of using this OS is the software. Most phones are not software upgradeable.

When thinking about the type of mobile device to buy, you need to think about what you will be doing with it. Will it merely be a device to organize contacts and daily activities? Will you need e-mail and Internet access? Will you want to use it to connect to a corporate LAN? Some models will go so far as to entertain you, letting you listen to audio books and music, read electronic books, view images and video clips, or play games. If you have specific needs, such as digital imagery, GPS navigation, or bar-code reader, you'll have to install third-party software in the market —as long as your device supports these capabilities. The more features you want, the more you'll pay.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cheap Laptop Pcs

There are many things to consider when choosing the right cheap laptop pc for you. I have put together this short article to try and help you make an informed choice when buying your next laptop computer.

Laptops come in all shapes and sizes with a variety of features to suit almost any task, choosing the right one very much depends on its intended use. Before you begin searching the internet for the lowest priced machine on the market it's a good idea to think how it will be used.

Compile a list of features in order of preference 1) must haves 2) would likes 3) bonus features. Then search within your budget for ideal cheap laptop pc. For example I am a web developer I spend lots of time staring at code, I use graphics packages to design sites and text editors to code them. So I would require a large clear screen, good graphics, a dual core processor for multi tasking, at least 1GB of ram, 40GB minimum hard disk and wireless, so I can sit and work in the garden on a nice summers day.

The general order of things would be CPU, Memory, Graphics, Screen size and type, Hard drive capacity (You can easily and cheaply add storage space) aiming to get the best of each then looking to see what other "bonus" features you can fit within your budget.

I hope you find this article useful when the time comes to purchase your next laptop computer and that you are better equipped to make an informed choice.

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