Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to Choose a Laptop, It's Your Money Don't Waste It

Introduction to choosing a laptop

Choosing a laptop is not a simple decision, and probably will involve you delving

through tons of technical documents and jargon, just to be at the end of it

completely none the wiser.

First off, ignore all the jargon like cpu speed, and look at the way you would

use the machine, think about things like it's likely environment, what are it's

primary uses likely to be, how is it likely to be handled? For instance do you

require it to be just used at home permanently nestled in the corner, or are

you likely to use it as a gps navigation device whilst mountain climbing in

sub zero temperatures?

OK so the sub zero temprature part we'll leave alone for this article, but you

get my point? Link these two factors up with what your budget is, and you are

armed with a good deal of the knowledge you will need to make the correct choices.

Factors in choosing a laptop

1. The laptop's environment, this; in the life of a laptop can be anything from

- bouncing around in the boot of a car to sitting unmoved on a desktop apart

from the odd dusting. For most users of laptops it's usually a mixture of both,

plus a few train journeys, a little sunbathing over the park or in the garden,

a few slips from the lap onto the floor and the odd, "It's my turn now - Mum!"

scream from the kids.

Why should the environment affect my decision? I hear you ask. Well imagine

this scenario; Your in the shop, with your pockets full of money, and you spot

a shiny laptop you just have to have. You think, great I can do some work at

home, reply to emails whilst sitting in that long boring train journey home,

and best of all it looks great. What you should be thinking is - How is the

weight of the laptop going to affect my shoulder whilst I carry it from office

to train station to bus stop to home each working day and will the battery last

long enough.

2. The laptop's use, mostly this can be classed into two types, business and

home usage. For the typical business user, battery life may be a more important

factor than say a DVD re-writer, where as for the home user, who may well run

the laptop from the AC adapter most of the time, battery life would be way down

the list of decisive factors.

But this is really where you need to start making a wishlist of what you will

and would like to use the laptop for, just try and think of a list of ten things

and then priorities them.

3. Laptop budget. This is the part where, if your wishlist above overstretches

your budget, you will need to loose one or two of the lower prioritised items.

I guess for most people, this is the one factor they find the hardest to be

flexible on, but think about finance, most of the major manufacturers offer

finance direct from their websites.

I would advise everybody buying a laptop to take out an extended warranty plus

additional accidental damage cover, if it's not covered on your home contents

insurance. The warranty speaks for itself, laptops are designed to be mobile but not always made to be,

and things that move around go wrong more than stationary objects, they also tend to get a little more battered. So remember

to factor these extra costs into your budget.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Laptop Reviews - Want To Know About The Latest Notebook Reviews?

When laptop's first became available there where few choices of brands and even fewer choices of options. Now there are new laptop computers coming on the market continuously, all with specialized options. Before choosing a laptop decide what your focus is. There is probably a laptop computer that comes with exactly the standard features you are looking for. Below is a sample of just a few laptop computers and the features that make them unique.


With an exceptionally fast processor and graphics engine, Dell has developed a laptop especially geared for gaming. The lightweight laptop, weighing only 8.6 pounds is very portable. In addition the Dell XPS M170 has a 2.26 GHz Intel processors, one of the fastest available.


Toshiba has focussed its laptop computers on multimedia features. Their line of laptops have TV, DVR, stereo, DVD players as well as all other traditional multimedia components. For music, video and visual effects this is the best laptop computer.

Hewlett Packard

Hewlett Packard has focussed on developing a laptop that includes all the features of a desktop without the space requirements. It has both entertainment and computing features and great performance ratings. It comes with a CR-RW/DVD-ROM combo that can read and write all types of multimedia.


Apple Powerbook laptop computers have a unique designed that make them stand out in a crowd. Apple laptop computers use the Apple MacOS X 10.4 and come with speakers, Bluetooth antenna and wireless LAN antenna as standard features.


Acer laptop computers come with a 40 GB hard dive, 256 MB ram, DVD-RW drive and a 15-inch screen. There is a good selection of bundled software included that has games, Norton AntiVirus and a CD maker program. It is silver in color and stylish in design.


Sony has focussed on their original XBRITE LCD technology and Smart Display Sensor to enhance visual presentation on the viewing screen. The screen automatically adjusts to various lighting to maximize the viewer's ability to see the display. Using Windows XP Pro and a 3-hour standard battery this laptop notebook is designed for presentations and getting information across.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Laptop Accessories - Any Good Notebook Accessories Out There?

There is a wide range of accessories available for laptop notebooks that make working with your notebook computer so much easier. These accessories range from mini hubs and mini zip drives to security locks. All accessories are add-ons to the basic laptop notebook sold and are designed to meet the various needs of users.

Some of the top must have accessories for laptops are:

Laptop Backpacks

These very functional and practical laptop carriers are a terrific option for students or business people who travel. The versatility of a backpack allows much more storage room that a traditional laptop carrying case. In addition they are water resistant and come in a wide variety of colors and designs.

Laptop extended use batteries

This laptop notebook accessory is a must for computer users who will be away from a power supply for extended periods of time. These batteries will last well over an average workday and still have power left over.

Laptop desk stand

Ergonomically designed, these portable desk stands allow the laptop computer to be tilted up to move the display area to eye-level for ease of reading. This lessens back and neck strain as the laptop user is not constantly looking down or typing on a flat surface. The lightweight plastic design makes them very easy to use when traveling or moving from one workspace to another.

TV card bus

A great device for people who travel with their laptop, this accessory allows your laptop to receive and record TV, video and also to be used as a radio receiver. It is a simple card that uses your PCMCIA card slot on your laptop. This small accessory is greatly appreciated by music lovers.

Bluetooth Wireless USB Adapter

This is a simple plug-in component that allows your computer to become a wireless communication device. Your computer can be linked with a handheld device, mobile phone, printer or anything else that uses2.4 GHz Bluetooth technology. There is built in security with this system that allows for safe transfer of information. In addition it gets rid of the cables that are necessary when using other forms of data transfer.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Online Comparison Shopping Made Even Easier with Mobile Phones

Jane is a value conscious shopper. She is always looking to compare prices before buying any product. One day, she walks into a local retailer pricing out digital cameras. She writes down several camera model numbers so she can go online later that evening to see if she can find it cheaper elsewhere. Later that evening, Jane spends two or three hours surfing the Internet before she finds the camera she likes at the price she is willing to pay.

Sound familiar?

Imagine if Jane could just call a phone number, punch in the UPC code of the camera, and wait a few seconds while a database searches the Internet to compare prices for her. Imagine if she could then buy the camera right there on the spot. Sounds like a future technological advancement, doesn't it? Not quite the future; it's already here.

Online shopping has made it easier for consumers to get what they want, whenever they want it at the prices they want. Every major brick and mortar retailer now has a presence online not including the smaller, more specialized retailers located around the world. However, the vast array of online retailers can make it difficult for consumers to find the products they are looking for at the most affordable price. In addition, consumers do not have time to spend hours in front of their computers scouring across Internet looking for products. Consumers are demanding a better, more efficient and less cumbersome way to compare and buy products online. Frucall has stepped up to the challenge and has introduced a new way to compare prices online.

Frucall is a new, innovative service that enables consumers to compare products online using their mobile phones. This alleviates the valuable time spent trying to accomplish the same thing in front of a computer. In today's increasingly connected world, everyone has a mobile phone with them at all times which makes the Frucall service so attractive.

Here is how Frucall works. Customers first sign up online for their free account. In their profile, they store their mobile phone number and optional credit card information. Then, when they are shopping at the mall, they simply call the toll free phone number and type in the UPC code of the product of interest. In seconds, the Frucall service will return the results and customers can choose to buy the product right there on the spot, or add it to their shopping cart, or bookmark it for later review. It's that easy.

At the present time Frucall's service only queries because that's currently the only service that allows Web Services queries. However, that will change as additional online retailers allow Web Services queries.

The ability to do online comparison shopping through a mobile phone is a captivating concept whose time has definitely come. In a world where so many of our daily activities are performed with a mobile phone, the Frucall service takes its capabilities one step further. If you are a busy consumer that values convenience and services that are helpful in saving you time, then Frucall is exactly what you need. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from using the Frucall service.

Copyright 2006 Michael Brito

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Attention Real Estate Professionals, It's Time to Secure Your Email

If you have a wireless laptop, listen up! It's time to make sure your email is secure.

When you sit at your local coffee shop to surf the internet and get your email, you

are most likely using a connection that is not encrypted. This means the data flying

through the air from your laptop to the internet is not secure. It can be intercepted.

Most wireless hotspots don't bother turning encryption on because it would make

them crazy having to hand out the password to everyone and then deal with all of

the people that did not know how to use it to connect. To keep it easy for everyone,

encryption stays off.

What this means is that when you send and receive your email, your username and

password go flying through the air for any computer geek to grab. The tools you

need to do it are so simple to use these days that even some non-geeks are getting

in on the action.

It's a real risk to your security and the security of your real estate data that most

people aren't aware of.

Fortunately, most email providers offer the option to encrypt your email

transmissions (both sending and receiving) with the same level of security that you

find when you log into your bank accounts on the internet. The tricky part is that

you actually have to turn the option on for it to protect your email. And what's

worse, some of the big name ISPs (like SBC) don't offer this option for subscribers.

If you have your own real estate website and corresponding email service, check

with your web host as they probably DO offer the extra security.

This "extra security" is called SSL. It doesn't matter what it stands for, just know

that it means that your email will be encrypted and therefore protected from prying

eyes when you use the internet at wireless hotspots.

The quickest way to see if you "qualify" is to follow these simple steps:

1. Contact your ISP or web host and ask them if they support sending and receiving

email with SSL encryption.

2. If they do, ask them for the correct settings to put into your email program.

As wireless hotspots become more and more widespread and the software that

allows people to do wireless "snooping" becomes easier and easier to use, it is

important that you take precautions to protect your data.

Check into it now, because somebody's watching...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Class Actions For Overheating Laptops - Justified Or Not?

In the process of researching heat related faults with notebook computers we have been amazed at the number of class action related websites which are pointing a sharp stick at the majority of notebook computer manufacturers in one way or another. Class actions for faulty or defective notebook related cases have been noted as far back as 1998. Problems with electronic equipment are inevitable, irrespective of brand or place of manufacture.

Complaints pertaining to the majority of notebook manufacturers seem to fester and multiply in online forums scattered around the web originating from many different countries. Comments on such forums at times appear to be ill-informed, inflammatory and irrelevant with a touch of mob mentality.

Forum users also tend to peddle rumours and repair tips that often lead to a much worse situation that any unsuspecting notebook owner would dread, from having a notebook that needs some minor work done on it to fix the overheating issue to ending up with a very costly and often avoidable repair due to advice they shouldn't have taken.. don't pull apart you own laptop based on unsubstantiated advice from someone in a forum no matter how many times some guy tells you he has done a similar repair himself.

Don't get me wrong it's OK to take informed advice and guided instruction, there's some very smart and skilled people offering their advice in forums and chatrooms around the net but you have to check the source of the information to see if it's based upon actual experience.

Not every every consumer will be happy with everything they buy. So where does this type of litigation end? My guess is that it doesn't.

From what we can determine a lot of the hoo-ha relates to laptops overheating, which appears to be an issue in certain types and makes of notebook. Symptoms like machines freezing due to internals overheating and failure to reboot seem to be the norm amongst some notebooks suffering from design flaws in their cooling systems.

I can't help but feel sorry for the notebook manufacturers who strive to cater for consumer demands for more and more power from these devices, it's getting more difficult to keep doing this and maintain sufficient cooling for the machine itself.

Not to mention the potential loss of sales or even market share that must plague them if they can't provide the notebook specifications their customers want.

If you have ever opened a laptop and taken a peek inside you would have seen some the wacky designs some of these cooling modules take form of, copper pipes, radiator type add-ons and fans, needless to say they don't all work as well as they need to.

Laptops overheating and malfunctioning isn't a problem that is going to go away anytime soon, as new machines become more and more powerful it exacerbates the problem, however with some regular maintenance you can keep your laptop's cooling system running as well as the manufacturer intended it to.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Dual Core Laptops - Sorting The Facts From The Fluff

Mobile computing technology is ever changing and the latest evolutionary step is the development of dual core processor laptops.

New CPU's for notebooks.

The recent introduction of the NAPA Platform has shown some significant enhancements on the older Somona technology. The new NAPA platform offers a lot of significant advantages for a dual core laptop such as a 60% performance increase with its physically smaller dual core processor which can utilise memory more effectively whilst using less power as well.

What are the enhancements for laptops?

Performance Increases:

- Dual core processing with 667Mhz Front Side Bus

- Latest Intel 945 Chipset

- Generation 3.5 Intel Integrated Graphics

- DDR2/667 Dual Channel Memory

- Lower power consumption = Increased battery life

- Latest IEEE 802.11 Standards

We've been playing with a couple of the latest Toshibas to see exactly what these developments have to offer a real world user.

Fingerprint Reader Technology.

New fingerprint technology will allow users to bypass multiple password entry with one swipe of the finger.

Bundled with some awesome software Toshiba owners can now utilise this technology to logon to Windows, access secure websites, secure files and folders and even logon to a laptop secured with a Bios password.

Laptops that have the fingerprint reader hardware have now got the software to match and utilise what the fingerprint reader hardware can do.

Toshiba's new OmniPass and Protector Suite QL software gives the user all of the following features and functions.

- Data encryption

- Individual fingerprint application assignment

- Multiple print storage

- Fingerprint website access

- Bios fingerprint authentication

- Single touch boot feature

In addition to this sort of technology, Toshiba's new Wireless Authentication logon feature is impressive to say the least. This technology coupled with the Toshiba Wireless Key Logon utility enables a user to setup their BT (Bluetooth) enabled mobile phone to act as a key, with similar password entry free logon from Bios to Windows simply by activating the BT function on your phone when in range of your laptop.

There's been a bit of misinformation floating around regarding these new dual core notebooks so we'd like to clear up a couple of points.

1. If a machine has a stated processor speed of 1.66GHz then that's across both cores, not 1.66GHz on each core, the advantage over a 1.66GHz single core processor would be improvements in performance and data handling.

2. The new dual core processors don't require software written specifically for the CPU, you would still see an improvement running all your existing software.

3. A dual core notebook will actually run cooler than it's single core counterpart, this is due to the fact that the processor is more efficient and uses less power. This is a welcome development in the world of mobile computing where overheating machines are a constant bugbear for users.

The evolution of dual core processors is big news in the laptop world, as they become more common in the marketplace it will be interesting to see how they cope with the multitude of applications that will be thrown at them.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Have Laptop will Travel - the Truly Mobile Office

When many people start their own businesses, one dream that nearly always features is the ability to work in your own time, preferably in your own home. Well, I regularly work all over the world, from just a laptop. It helps that my "shop window" is my group of web sites, but I still have to talk to and meet my clients from time to time. So how do I do this from an office that fits into a small bag and weighs less than 7lb!

Well first start with your laptop - make it as light and as powerful as you can afford. I say light, because anything that weighs more than 5lb is going to be one laptop that you really hate after you have hauled it around for a few hours. Some models have CD/DVD units that plug in to the main PC. These are useful if you leave them behind or pack them separately. I prefer them to be included if possible. A small mouse and slim mouse pad - the latter which stores inside the "clam" of the laptop when traveling to protect the screen - completes your basic office.

I also have a handful of those memory sticks that plug into your USB socket. These hold my key documents and any documents that I am working on at the moment. In that way, if I can't find a broadband link to hop onto when traveling, I can at least use the local internet café and still have my documents available. It is always a good idea, to set up a Yahoo account, to use your own email settings, as a fall back. Lastly I always carry a couple of CD's with all my documents and emails on - just in case the awful happens and my laptop ceases working or gets stolen.

Lastly I need some kind of communications - I use VOIP (voice over internet protocol). I can set up telephone numbers in major cities or countries and be contactable whenever I am logged on. Of course if I am not logged on, then voicemail will take over and my clients think that I am busy. A good quality, small headphone and microphone and I have a full telecoms facility. I don't use fax, but those that do, can easily open an efax account to obtain that facility. Lastly, I use a small web camera for my consultancy calls.

I carry my basic pens and stapler in a small pencil case as well as a small note book for my messages and notes. A larger note book holds all of my planning, consulting notes etc. A small notebook holds all my contact details as well as business and software details etc. A few personal items and my office is set up.

To carry my laptop, well aware that passing through numerous security checks with the laptop out of the bag, as well as a higher risk of it getting stolen. I actually carry my laptop inside a case logic slip case - inside of my rolling bag. In this way it is hidden from view, but easy to get to when going through airport checks. For general use, I have another case logic carrier that hangs off my shoulder. For the less secure areas, and if I have to store the laptop in the hotel room, I have a "safe" which is a mesh bag attached to a long lead that can be wrapped around something solid and then locked. The bag and the lead cannot be cut. These can be found at good camping shops. Of course my laptop is password protected and can be attached to the desk by a lead if necessary.

A mobile/cell phone and small digital camera completes my office and a MP3 player my working environment.

So that's my office, but of course I am dependent upon broadband for it to work. Luckily wi fi areas are easier to find now - let's just say I drink a lot of coffee. Places like Starbucks and McDonalds, hotels, airports etc. You get to know the possible areas very quickly, you can seek them out beforehand using the internet, or buy a small wi fi hotspots seeking gizmo. I have always found these places welcoming, if you sit down, buy their products and don't cause any disruption. I usually ask if I can plug in as well. The only problem I find, apart from too much caffeine, is when you need to use the facilities - in this case, knowing that my laptop can run faster than I can, it comes in with me. More of a problem for the gents I think.

Of course, if you don't want to travel, and I'm just planning a 3 month round the world trip, you can always use your mobile office by the swimming pool, in the garden/back yard or on your client's site.

Happy wandering.

Friday, June 21, 2013

A True Review of Comparison Shopping With A Mobile Phone

Today, many consumers who make purchases online won't buy anything until they consult with a comparison shopping website first such as Shopzilla,, or They understand that comparison shopping ensures that they are getting the best deal around, which is what most value conscious shoppers want after all. However, with today's social and lifestyle pace being faster than ever, there is a growing need for comparison shopping on the go. Sure, there are laptops and wireless connections all over the place, but the average person is more likely to leave home with their cell phone instead of their laptop. So, the need for comparison shopping using a mobile phone was answered and there are several ways to take advantage of this new technology.

Google SMS

Google recently launched a new service that allows U.S. mobile phone users to tap into its search results via the short message service (SMS) infrastructure. Users send queries to GOOGL or 46645 and receive results on their phones. The service returns directory information about local businesses via Google Local and provides price comparison shopping information through It also lets users search for residential phone numbers, dictionary definitions and Web search results snippets. Google SMS also does calculations, area code look-ups and ZIP code look-ups. Results usually come within a minute, and are text-based only.

This is a great alternative to wasting gas money and time driving all over the city looking for the best deal.


Launched in March 2006 as the first price-comparison mobile service using voice, Frucall allows consumers to compare retail store prices with prices for the same products on and online comparison shopping service Yahoo Shopping, directly from their mobile phone. It's a simple solution that sidelines many services that offer price comparison results to be sent via text message. Even better, is that consumers can soon buy products directly from their mobile phone, assuming they have registered and have a valid credit card in their profile.

Frucall enables consumers in the midst of examining retail aisles to call a toll-free number (888-FRU-SHOP) and input the product's barcode. Within approximately 10 seconds, the caller gets a confirmation of the product name and the price of the product as listed online. Currently, the service compares prices for products from a variety of categories available on Amazon including automotive supplies, books, electronics, jewelry, movies, music, tools and pet supplies. There are even features that will allow consumers to save purchase history, makes notes, and reminders.

Lastly, is that Frucall be accessed from any phone and since the results are not returned via SMS, there are no text messaging fees that sometimes occurs with Google SMS.


With cell phones being as popular as socks, and everyone from age 10 to 100 having one, there is no surprise that mobile phone comparison shopping services are taking off. It is a simple concept that brings tremendous value for consumers who are looking to save a few dollars; and they can now feel confident about making the right purchasing decision, online or offline.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Should You Choose a Laptop Case or a Backpack?

If I'd been asked whether to buy a backpack or a laptop case a few months ago, a laptop case would have won hands down. I'd been using them for years to haul laptops around Europe.

I mean, a laptop case is specially made for carrying a laptop but a backpack is just a bottomless pit. So how will you ever find anything in a backpack?

A laptop case is small and compact. Granted trying to pile a lot of things into it can be a challenge and getting them back out again an even bigger one as everything gets tangled up. But a backpack for goodness sake!

Sure you can fit a lot of things in a backpack, but you'd have to take that all back out again to remove whatever you've buried at the bottom. And with so much more depth than a laptop case, it must make things even worse for getting things mixed up.

And what about the protection your laptop needs?

A laptop isn't some cheap disposable item you've got there and few of them will take well to being knocked about, so surely you'd want to surround it in padding and not just "drop" it into what is basically a big bag.

Of course the last time I'd used a backpack was, well, for backpacking obviously.

As far as I was concerned a backpack has a few pockets on the sides, on the front and the top but is really just one deep giant bag.

So just how on earth could a backpack be a sensible replacement for a laptop case?

Well some time after I started working permanently in the city, my opinion of backpacks completely changed.

Before that I'd been carrying my laptop over short distances. My car was in the car park right outside the office. And if I wasn't using a car then I'd be hiring taxis to get me between hotels, railway stations, other offices and airports. So as a result I wasn't really taking it very far.

But that all changed when I was forced to keep my car in a public car park. This time I was working in an office that was in the middle of the city and there was no parking there available for me. That meant the nearest car park was over twenty minutes walking distance away.

I started hauling my laptop across the city over my shoulder, taking advantage of the shoulder strap on the case, as it was really uncomfortable carrying this heavy weight by hand.

But it wasn't long before I found myself getting pains in the lower back as well as tense back muscles. I even ended up with a trapped nerve in my ribs.

When I mentioned this to a colleague he suggested getting a backpack instead.

Apparently a lot of people were complaining about having to carry a laptop in a traditional case and were asking to have it replaced with a backpack. It seemed a backpack was much more comfortable so I decided to give it a try.

Wow! What a difference!

The backpack itself felt as light as a feather. I'd been using laptop cases that when empty were almost half the carry on weight allowance for planes. I was barely managing to stay under the limit with just a laptop, mouse and power charger in it.

And the external pockets this backpack had were far more useful. I was carrying several items with wires and now they could be better spread out inside this backpack and so they were no longer getting tangled up with each other.

With a removable, padded compartment for the laptop, that fits in the centre, together with extra slots for other items this backpack was just great.

Well that was all well and good but what about the real test?

Would carrying a laptop in this backpack be more comfortable than using a laptop case?

Well after about a month my back was fine. I didn't have the trapped nerve anymore either so that was enough to convince me.

Now there is no guarantee that just changing from a laptop case to a backpack fixed all my ailments. It could be pure coincidence.

But I can tell you now that there is no way I'm going back to using a laptop case just to prove a theory.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Small Business Opportunity Laptop Ideas

When a good small business opportunity idea is combined with the latest in laptop technology, expect nothing less than an explosively successful enterprise.

The reason should be obvious. The extra mobility that a laptop provides means that a small business opportunity entrepreneur can be on the road for months and yet clients and customers wouldn't even know it nor care less. This allows for a fascinatingly efficient one-person business enterprise because the principal can promote their business across the country and even the globe and yet do everything as if they never left their cozy head office premises.

Small Business Opportunity Laptop Idea: Recruit Agents For Your web site Worldwide

An excellent laptop computer well able to access the Internet means that you can go around the country promoting your web based business and recruiting agents while still efficiently running your site. It has clearly been proven that offline advertising and promotion of online small business is very effective. Radio and newspapers have been especially effective in promoting online enterprises in recent years.

With all your tools in your laptop, you can very effectively go all over the place promoting your site in local newspapers and radio stations, as you gradually cover the whole country and beyond. This exercise of sending sales persons on the road was previously an extremely expensive undertaking that usually required a person to recruit a fairly large sales team. Now the net and modern, efficient and powerful laptops have opened up vast new opportunities for the small business entrepreneur that were a wild impossible day dream just a few short years ago.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mobile Phone Insurance Eliminates Restless Moments

Mobile phone stealing is on rise. Now we are used to buy expensive handsets and personalise it. It is really a great risk if you are not insuring your mobile phone. In case if you lose or damage it accidentally, you will have to pay full replacement cost to buy a new one.

There are many benefits of mobile insurance.

o If you loose your mobile phone, you can get the replacement soon so that you will not be left without mobile phone for a long period.

o Your mobile phone can be repaired or replaced without any cost

o You will not be responsible for any calls made by the thief who has stolen your mobile

o The insurance coverage will be applicable even in abroad

o The insurance coverage includes water damages , fake calls or mobile theft

o Your monthly insurance premium will be very low and literally affordable

o Once you buy your mobile insurance policy , you will be much relieved

On the other hand, if your mobile phone is not insured, you will be liable to pay all the calls that thief makes on your mobile phone. Moreover, buying a new mobile phone will create lots of inconvenience as you have to notify your friends and relatives for the changed mobile number.

If you loose your mobile phone, virtually you can do nothing except informing police and filling in different forms. So, it is always safe to buy and affordable mobile insurance policy to avoid restless moments.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Laptop Review - HP Compaq nx9420

The HP Compaq nx9420 is designed for professionals or large businesses that need to have a large display, air tight security, and be mobile around the office. This desktop replacement can handle virtually any task, with dual core processor, 256MB dedicated video memory, 1GB of RAM and weighing in at 7.4 pounds, is not too heavy to be taken home occasionally.

The 17 inch BrightView widescreen in fantastic. Watching movies or working through spreadsheets won't be a problem. This laptop computer is one of the few on the market that has a separate number pad, and the keyboard and touchpad worked well. There is a scratch resistant coating around the keyboard to give it extra protection. Along the top of the keyboard are external controls for Wi-Fi, audio, video and HP's Info Center System, which allows you to adjust security settings, manage wireless devices and search a support database.

The 8 cell battery that comes as standard lasted four hours and five minutes with the Wi-Fi turned on. This length of time is considerably more than other comparable laptops. There is an option for a twelve cell battery which supposedly will last for eight hours.

This notebook comes configured with 2.0GHz Intel Core Duo Processor T2500, 1GB DDR2 RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 graphics, 80GB hard drive at 7200 rpm and a DVD burner. With the Core Duo Processor, multitasking did not slow the system down at all. With the ATI graphics on board, this system is equipped to handle 3D games without any problems. The games played smoothly and looked great on the widescreen. The speakers at the front of the unit also performed well, even when the volume was turned up loud.

As far as security goes these features come standard: fingerprint reader, Smart Card reader and Kensington Lock Slot. HP's ProtectTools is the companies Trusted Platform Module, which is a security chip on the motherboard. ProtectTools also has file and folder encryption. There is also the new accelerometer technology which senses the systems movements and parks the hard drive if it senses the computer is falling or is bumped.

The HP Compaq nx9420 has all the ports and connections that a business user should need. There is VGA, S-Video-out, Firewire, four USB 2.0 ports as well as headphones and microphone jacks. There is a PC Card slot, and network connections including Gigabit Ethernet, 56 Kbps V92 Modem, integrated 802.11 a/b/g and Bluetooth.

At $1,999 the HP Compaq nx9420 is not cheap, but if you are in the market for a business notebook computer with portability and power, it's hard to go past this one.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Home Wireless Networks

A home wireless network can be set up using wireless local area network (WLAN) devices. A wireless LAN has a wireless interface that enables wireless communication amongst the computers and peripheral devices that are a part of the LAN. A wireless LAN has limited range and is designed to be used only in a local environment such as a building, office complex or home. The main advantage is the flexibility and mobility provided by a wireless LAN.

A wireless home network can be installed easily by connecting a wireless router to the network. The router must be placed in a central location within the home. Computers which are placed close to the router, or in the same room as the router, receive better network speed. Most wireless routers support broadband modems while others support phone line connections. Each computer connected to the wireless LAN must have a wireless LAN card installed.

It is mandatory to name the wireless network and to ensure that all the computers on the WLAN share the same network name. Though a wireless router contains a built in access point, one may have to use a wireless access point if an existing Ethernet home network is extended. The access point must be cabled to the switch, hub or LAN router.

Unlike cellular networks with fixed frequencies, users in WLANs have to share frequencies, which sometimes lead to collisions. The choice of frequency depends on whether microwave, spread spectrum, or infrared communication is being used.

The primary WLAN standards include the IEEE-802.11 series and HiperLAN. The IEEE-802.11 (Wi-Fi) standard supports 1 Mbps data rate and several choices of physical medium such as spread spectrum and infrared. An additional feature of this standard is the battery conservation for inactive or idle wireless users. Faster 54 Mbit/s 802.11a (5 GHz) and 802.11g (2.4 GHz) standards are now available. New standards beyond the 802.11 specifications, such as 802.16(WiMAX), are currently being developed and offer several enhancements such as longer range and faster transfer speeds.

The HiperLAN standard can be used to support 23.5 Mbps channel rates. However, it allows use of only spread spectrum physical medium and is not very popular.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

All about Mobile Phone Games

One of the most loved features in a mobile phone is the mobile phone game. There are other features like talking, email, surfing the net or downloading ringtones but all these cost money. But mobile games can be played anytime whenever you get bored. They can help you when you are stuck in a situation where you have to wait for a long time. The great improvement in mobile phone games is expected to bring an excitement for consumers with handset upgrades which attract hard core gamers. But these rich games are difficult to develop than the ordinary games and also take long to make.

Mobile phone games can be downloaded for free from many sites on the internet. Some games can be purchased for flat or at a monthly rate for bundled games. With Bluetooth technology, you can connect to nearby game players and get much more excitement and fun. The latest mobile phones with bigger screens, graphics and better colour all have made mobile games better. So the games have improved along with the phones with easy to use joysticks and high resolution. The 3D mobile games draw more hardcore gamers and it does a good job at bridging the expectations people have from the console and handheld gaming environment.

There are some things you should remember while buying mobile phone games like you should understand the price of the games, if it is a one time price or subscription needs to be renewed. You should be able to connect to other players using your phone; you may have to purchase extra equipment for that.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Selecting a Laptop

Small Can Be Beautiful

When purchasing a new computer, you may be better served by a laptop than a traditional desktop computer. Recently, laptops with capabilities similar to desktops can be purchased for a comparable price. Laptops are convenient because of their small size and ability to run from a battery. Except for the power cable to recharge it, a laptop doesn't have any external wires, so it won't be contributing to a cable mess.

When looking at laptops, consider how often you will travel with it. If you plan to travel only infrequently, get a model with a larger screen and lower price. If you are a digital nomad, you should be concerned mainly with the laptop size, weight, and battery life. For maximum portability, get a laptop that weighs less than 3.5 pounds, has a 12" or smaller display, and a minimum 4-hour battery life.

Unlike desktops, laptop computers can be difficult and expensive to upgrade. When you purchase a laptop, consider that any internal features such as CD-ROM or hard drive may be difficult to replace. Laptops can be upgraded externally with USB, FireWire, and the PC Card slot. Because each of these methods is external, however your laptop will become less portable if you need to carry around the external devices.

Take One Tablet...

A Tablet PC is a custom laptop that allows you to write on the screen to save notes and work with programs. Tablet PCs are typically smaller than laptops and feature a specialized processor that is extremely battery-efficient. Some Tablet PCs do not have a built-in keyboard, but can connect to an external keyboard. These are ideal for people who use the Tablet PC mode most of the time and need to use the keyboard occasionally.

If you have little need for a portable computer, a "desktop replacement" may be for you. A desktop replacement looks like a laptop, but is much larger and priced competitively with desktops. Whatever kind of laptop fits your lifestyle, gone are the days when laptops were expensive and less capable than traditional desktop computers.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

3 Easy Step To Locate A Real Bargain On Laptop Batteries

Looking for a real bargain on laptop batteries? How do I know the batteries are running good as advertised? Which merchants are offering quality rechargeable cells? Where can I get the bargain? Where to buy?

Many of you have some of these questions? Certainly!!. We surely want to saving our hard to earn $$ and only buy quality cells.

Here are the simple 7 ways to to locate the real bargain.

1. Shop online Why?

Most of suppliers/distributors are now targeting retail consumers themselves. The online store overheads are much less than retail stores. No store leasing, No utitlity bills and much less employee payrolls. With all these, they can pass the big savings to customers. Importantly, they have the same guarantee and warranty as retail's convenient!!! Quailty merchants offer FREE shipping!!

2. Find the saving coupons

This is the beauty!!...."saving coupons"....Online marketing is highly competitive. They are million of stores out there. Merchants want to get noticed, they want sales...they issue saving coupons for marketing.......buying your laptop batteries using "online saving coupon" is double savings.

how to find? we go....

go to your favorite search engines "laptop battery coupon" as an example. you will find many coupons from many what...which one to buy?? ....let move to the next step.

3. Find the quality merchants (ONLY)

Now we found many merchants selling online and offering saving coupons. Let buy...?? Nope...not yet.....please make no mistake - buy from the cheapest possible stores is NOT a real bargain. We also want quality. laptop batteries need to meet or exceed the original battery specification. Merchants need to own the following qualities...

Free shipping Free handling Free customer support Well established in battery industry 30 days return policy Full manufacturer warranty Guarantee to meet or exceed the original specification 100% fully compatible with your laptops Online FAQs for yor battery inquiries Optional express shipping How do we know?.....Let brainstorm!!!!...Let hear from others!!!....Review customer comments....Most quality merchants are listing their customer testimonials, customer ratings from 3rd party rating system such as BizRate, epinion,Pricegrabber or Dealtime.

You can normally locate the Bizrate reviews at the merchants' homepages. Simply click on the links they provide to review previous customers' comments.

Simply follow these 3 easy steps, you will find the real bargain comparing to local retail stores. Have a pleasant online shopping experience!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

3 Benefits to Owning a Refurbished Laptop

If you like having the latest and greatest, then refurbished is not for you. However, if you don't mind minor cosmetic damage, and the fact that someone else has used your laptop, then you may want to consider purchasing a refurbished laptop. But why would anyone want to purchase a refurbished laptop as opposed to a brand new one? In this article, I will tackle this very issue, and give 3 reasons why you should own a refurbished laptop.

The first reason why purchasing a refurbished laptop may be a good idea is that they are a lot less expensive than their newer cousins. Of course, refurbished implies that it has seen prior usage, so refurbished laptops are generally older models, and you don't always know how their previous owners took care of them. But refurbished also implies that someone has taken the time to fix, and often times replace, any broken components. Do some research and only buy from reputable sources.

The second reason why you may want to purchase a refurbished laptop is that, because of their low cost, they are more expendable than new models, and make a great second laptop. As I explained above, refurbished laptops are generally a lot cheaper than a new laptop so if something should happen to it, you're only out maybe a few hundreds dollars as opposed to a new laptop which could cost you thousands.

The third reason why you may want to consider purchasing a refurbished laptop is that since you'll be spending a lot less money on the computer itself, you can afford to spend more upgrading it with newer, and better components. For example, you can add memory to speed it up, or upgrade to a larger hard drive. You should, of course, make sure that your computer can support these upgrades before you even purchase it. If it can't, then look for one that can before making your final decision.

I've discussed three benefits to owning a refurbished laptop. They are low in cost, make a great second laptop, and you can spend more on upgrading the components. Make sure to do your research before you buy, and owning one will be a pleasant experience.

Monday, June 10, 2013

How to Save Laptop Battery Power When You Really Need it

You've got a five-hour flight from Los Angeles to New York City, and one battery in your laptop. You've got work to do, DVDs to watch, and games to play. How are you going to get that battery to last? Well, hidden inside (and outside) your computer are lots of tricks to help you.

Dimming Your Screen

Your screen and hard drive use up more battery power than any other parts of your computer. You can dim down your screen to a point where your eyes still feel comfortable but you also save energy. On most laptops, you first dim the screen by holding down the "Fn" key (go ahead and find it because you may never have used it before). Then you look for a key on your laptop that either has a picture of a sun or a half-moon. (On my Sony Vaio that key happens to be F5.) If you find it, go ahead and hit it while still holding down the Fn key. A brightness adjustment box should show up on your screen. If you can't find a key with a sun or half-moon on it, try hitting your various arrow keys while holding down Fn, to see if that works.

Turning Off Your Screen Altogether

If dimming your screen is good for saving battery life, turning it off when you're not using it is even better. To turn off your screen, we're going to have to go into some settings in the Control Panel. You'll soon see these settings are not only good for turning off screens; they perform a whole host of battery saving functions.

Click on Start, then on Control Panel. If your Control Panel is shown in the "Category View," click first on Performance and Maintenance, then on Power Options. If your Control Panel is in Classic View, simply click on the Power Options icon. Next click on the Power Schemes Tab. Underneath where it says Running on Batteries and across from where it says Turn Off Monitor, choose how quickly you'd like your monitor to shut off when you're not actively using it.

That Power Options Properties box we just opened brings us to a whole host of other enticing options we can employ on our cross-country flight!

Choosing a Power Scheme

Windows XP offers two Power Schemes appropriate for laptops on the go. These are Portable/Laptop and Max Battery. They can both be chosen in the Power Schemes tab of the Power Options Properties box. Both power schemes conserve battery power. But Portable laptop adjusts what it conserves to the amount of power you need at the time, while Max Battery is much less flexible. It keeps your computer at a very low constant power rate no matter what you may be doing. So if you are planning on watching a DVD on that flight, which uses a lot of battery power, I don't recommend using the Max Battery power scheme. It might not give you enough power.

Each power scheme also has its own settings for when the monitor and hard disks should be turned off. Remember that both are huge energy hogs, and that both the monitor and hard disk remain on longer under Portable/Laptop than they do under Max Battery.

The power scheme you choose also determines how long the computer will wait to go into Standby mode or Hibernate after remaining idle. Standby conserves energy because it turns off your hard disk and monitor. However, whatever you were working on at the time stays in memory (RAM) instead of being saved safely to your hard drive. The upside of Standby, though, is that when you press any key your computer will come out of the mode rather quickly.

Hibernation saves even more energy because it saves your work to the hard drive and then shuts your computer down almost all the way. Inherently, of course, this means it takes the computer longer to wake up to its normal state, but when everything does come back on, it looks the same as before. To switch your computer to Standby mode manually, click on Start, then on Turn off Computer, then on Standby. To make your computer Hibernate manually, click on Start and Turn off Computer again, but this time hold down the Shift key down afterward. The Standby key switches to "Hibernate." Click it and your computer will go into Hibernation mode.

Creating Your Own Profiles

Maybe you don't like the two power saving choices Windows gives you. Maybe you want to create custom ones to suit your own needs. You can do that! I created one for "Long Plane Rides." I adjusted the settings in the Power Options Properties box. For instance, I indicated I wanted my monitor to turn off after only 2 minutes of idle time, and my hard disks after 3 minutes. Then I clicked on Save As, named my profile, and clicked OK. Now maybe the battery will last even longer on the flight.

Let's go through some other choices in the Power Options Properties box. Under the Alarm tab, you can check boxes to either be alerted when your battery is low and/or when your battery is critical. You can even use the slider to make your own determination of just what is low and what is critical. Then you can click on Alarm Action to tell your computer to, for instance, sound an alarm or go into Standby mode when those moments are reached.

Under the Advanced tab, you can choose what you want your laptop to do when you close the lid. You can choose it to go into Standby mode, Hibernation, or even do nothing if you wish. You can also choose what you'd like the computer to do when you hit the power button.

If you're interested in using your laptop's Hibernation feature you should check the box under the Hibernation tab that says Enable Hibernation.

Turn Off Wireless Network Card

Your wireless card can also be a drain on your battery's resources, so disable it if you don't need it. (You don't need it obviously on a plane, for instance.) If your laptop has a wireless card, simply take it out. If your laptop has wireless built-in, you can disable it in Windows XP by clicking on Start and going to your Control Panel. In Category View, click on Network and Internet Connections, then Network Connections. In Classic View, simply click on Network Connections. Once you're there, right click on the wireless connection you're using, and click on Disable. You can also disable your wireless network card through the Device Manager. Right click on My Computer and left click on Properties. Click on the Hardware tab and then the Device Manager button. Next, click on the small black cross next to where it says Network Adapters. Locate your wireless network adapter, right click on it, and left click on Disable.

You can also left click on Properties instead (after you right click on your network adapter), click on the Power Management tab, and check the box that says "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power."

Some newer laptops with the Intel Mobile Pentium® chip have a button somewhere on the laptop itself, for instance on the front, to enable you to easily turn your wireless on or off. You may have to check your laptop's manual to find out if you have a button and if so, where it is.

CPU Throttling

The Intel Mobile Pentium® laptops also sport a feature known as CPU Throttling (and named SpeedStep(TM) by Intel), that actually slows down your processor when you're running on the battery. When you're plugged into your AC, your processor runs full speed ahead. But when you unplug that cord, it shifts into a lower gear. A processor running at a lower speed and using less voltage saves your battery even that much more juice.

So now you have a number of tools to implement in order to save your computer's precious battery power. But maybe instead on that next long distance flight, you might want to think ahead and book a seat with a power outlet. 

©2006 by Kara Glover

Feel free to reprint this article in newsletters and on

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

PDA Pocket PCs

PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant, a handheld device (small and light enough to be operated while it is held in the hands) that is typically used as a personal organizer. It has evolved into a more complicated computer-like gadget capable of performing a multiplicity of functions, such as serving as wireless communicators for sending and receiving data, faxes, and electronic-mail messages. The PDA concept was first introduced by Apple's MessagePad in 1993, and was later revolutionized by the PalmPilot in 1996, created by Palm, Inc. The overall market for PDAs has now grown by 20.7% in the third quarter of 2005, compared to the third quarter of 2004.

A basic PDA features a date book, address book, task list, memo pad, clock, and calculator software. Today, PDAs are widely used as notepads, word processors, spreadsheets, and appointment schedulers and to synchronize data with a PC or home computer. They may also be integrated with cell phones to provide mobile communication and be used for accessing the Internet through technologies such as Wi-Fi, Wide-Area Networks (WANs), and Bluetooth.

Most PDA devices are not equipped with a keyboard like palmtop computers. Instead, they are pen based and rely on special hardware that recognizes handwritten inputs to tap selections on menus and enter printed characters. Some devices may also include an on-screen keyboard for better accessibility.

PDAs now depend largely on a number of Operating Systems to function. Some of the most widely used PDA Operating Systems include Palm OS (Palm, Inc); Windows Mobile (Microsoft); Blackberry (Research in Motion); Symbian OS; and those based on the Linux kernel available for free such as GPE, and OPIE/Qtopia.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mobile Computing Solutions

There are several companies that provide mobile computing solutions especially for commercial purposes. Mobile computing includes connecting several computing devices by means of wireless networking to make them accessible with each other. Hence, a person can be communicable with the office even though not physically present. This greatly improves communication and enables staff to take faster decisions, which translate into more business.

There are two main parts to company provided mobile computing equipment - the handheld equipment and the network connection. The handheld devices used in mobile computing solutions are basically laptop computers. These laptops are connected by means of a wireless network, usually wireless LAN. Cell phones can also be integrated into the network using wireless technologies such as GSM, CDMA, WLL, GPRS, EDGE, etc.

Mobile computing solutions can be provided for specific purposes. A good example is the mail tracking system provided to the US postal department. This system can pick up, sort and route mail and then notify airport malls for their reception. This tracker can also determine late postages and apply relevant penalties on the same. Today, there are custom designed mobile computing solutions for a wide array of commercial fields such as education, business, healthcare, pharmaceutical, supply chain management, etc.

Providing mobile computing solutions does not mean just providing the equipment and the connectivity. Most mobile computing solution providers also conduct seminars in which they train users how to handle the equipment. This is highly necessary as mobile computing is still a developing field. There are also consulting services and hotline numbers provided in case of emergencies and breakdowns. In short, mobile computing does not entail just equipment; it also extends to service and management.

The cost of a mobile computing solution system depends from company to company. Some solution providers may charge for the equipment as well as the server through which the devices would be connected. This would be a bulk quote. Some providers, however, charge a bit more for the equipment and do not charge for the servers. Usually these solution providers use their servers for a host of other customers. Equipment is charged on the basis of the number of users.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Wireless Internet Services

You have already paid your bills. You have ordered r your next meal. You have checked how much money you still have at the bank. You have discovered that your high school best friend is now doing well in some country in Europe. You have already ordered some flowers for your mother's birthday this week. You have already confirmed your tasks for next week with your boss who is currently in Singapore. You also have read the latest news. You have done all this through the Internet.

Interestingly, the Internet has been one of the major avenues for getting, receiving, sharing and uploading information. Information is considered as one of the basic commodities to man at present.

However, you can't stand your current connection to the World Wide Web. Your connection takes you a lot of time to download information that you need for your meeting. You find it hard to stay by your computer watching the information transferred to your computer slowly.

Thanks to innovations in the world of the Information Superhighway, there are wireless Internet services available for consumers. Companies and businesses are marketing and offering wireless Internet services for people who are interested in using it. Information is available on the Web.

The benefits of having wireless Internet services is that you can be very flexible. As long as there are hot spots, or places where your computer can receive a signal, you can access the Internet. You also don't have to wait for your computer to establish a connection to the server.

Some companies claim that wireless Internet services are cheaper than the usual way of getting connected in the Internet. They claim that with wireless services, a customer only needs to pay the service fee. This is probably be true, because compared to the other means of connecting in the Internet, you have to pay for the services, as well as the phone line, and the cable you use to get connected.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

UMPC - Stands For Ultra Mobile PC

For the last 10 years we have had an ever increasing choice of portable electronic devices to help make communication and collaboration an easier task.

Cell Phones now do more than just makes calls, small hand held devices called PDA's enable you to stay connected with work whilst on the road.

Need to check and email or maybe an spreadsheet? No problem.

So now meet a new class of mobile device with the portability of a PDA but the functionality of a laptop.

Meet the UMPC or Ultra Mobile PC as it is otherwise known.

Originally called "Project Origami" by Microsoft the first devices started to ship from Hardware manufactures, like Samsung and Sony, in May 2006.

You can view the original Microsoft television "teaser" here:


Let's take the Samsung Q1 as an example.

It weighs around 780g and runs a 900MHz ULV Celeron M Processor with 512Mb RAM. It has a standard 7 inch 800 x 480 screen, which is bigger than the popular Sony PlayStation Portable, and is powered by a more than reasonable Intel i915 GMS graphic chipset.

Now onto the important topic of connectivity. Wireless connectivity is provided by 802.11g and Bluetooth, whilst fixed connectivity is in the form of 2 x USB 2.0 ports, LAN port, Compact Flash II slot and a VGA-out.

The built in a stereo speakers work well and the 40GB hard drive provides ample space whilst away from home or the office.

All this hardware is useless without an operating system and that is where the Windows XP Tablet edition 2005 comes in. But it does not stop there...

The key element of the UMPC is the Touch Pack. This sits on top of the operating system and allows the UMPC screen to be used as a touch style screen as there is no keyboard (although one can be purchased and plugged in if required.)

If you are familiar with using a PDA you will be used to using handwriting recognition technology and this is available in the UMPC. However, the touch pack interface allows for a new feature. Called the Dial key it is software especially written for the UMPC that allows you to use your thumbs on a touch screen keyboard that displays in the corner of this handheld device.

Overall the UMPC is a great concept and hopefully just as useful in reality.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Johnny Discovers The 7 Activities You Must Accomplish Before Getting A Laptop or Notebook Computer

If you will just slow down and take time to look around at all of the laptops or notebooks that are available, you'll find that is time that is well spent. If you are like me, then you want to buy the best laptop for your specific needs that you can afford. The following is a list of things you might want to consider before you make your decision.

1. What kind of monitor do you like? Do you want the old-fashioned type that weighs about fifty pounds? I've found that the new LCD monitors which are crystal clear are well worth the extra expense.

2. Do you need this new laptop or notebook to be used mainly in the home, on the road, or at school?

3. Keep in mind that laptops and notebooks are generally much slower than a desktop PC. So you might want to spend a little bit more money to find the right mix of CPU speed and RAM that meet your needs.

4. You will probably need lots of memory, so don't skimp in this department. You'll find that most of these lower-priced laptops and notebooks are sold with 128 MB of RAM. This is not near enough memory for most practical applications.

5. Make sure the laptop or notebook that you buy can be upgraded. There will come a time when you'll want add this to that to your computer and you want to make sure that it will be of upgradable.

6. There's all kinds of batteries on the market. But you are probably better off if you stick with lithium batteries. They are far superior to others.

7. Go ahead and get the biggest hard drive you can afford. In my opinion 20 GB is a bare minimum. Of course if you can afford it, get 40 GB.

When you start checking prices, you'll find that you can pay twice as much for laptop as you do for a desktop PC. So make sure that you really need a laptop or notebook as opposed to a desktop PC. If you're on an airplane all the time or spend a lot of time on the road in motels, you don't have a choice, you'll have to buy a notebook or a laptop.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Importance Of Having A Wireless Network

Having a wireless network opens up many possibilities.

Wireless networks provide an inexpensive and easy way to share a single Internet connection among several computers. This means you only need one modem, and you can add additional computers to the network just by plugging in a wireless card and turning them on. The new machines are connected to the Internet immediately.

A wireless network also lets you access files and printers from anywhere in your home. It allows you to synchronize files you have on your laptop with your home computer, and you can easily send files between computers as well. Using a wireless network to transfer files is faster than sending them via e-mail or burning them to a CD! Because printers connected to one of the computers on a network are shared by all the computers on that network, you can write documents anywhere in your home, press the 'print' button, and collect the printed files from a printer that is connected to another computer.

If you are a game player, you've probably noticed that your games often have an option to play over a local area network or LAN. Wireless networks are LANs! This means you and your family can play these games together and don't have to be on computers that are next to each other to do so. Let's face it - it's more fun to play against real people, and it's even more fun to play against people you know instead of strangers on the Internet. Your games will also play much faster over your LAN. Additionally, you can connect game consoles to the Internet and begin playing these games online. It is much easier to experience online play through an Xbox or PlayStation 2 that is connected to a wireless network than have to use a modem!

Wireless network connections are always on. This means you can connect to the Internet whenever you want without waiting for your modem to dial in. Laptops can be carried from room to room, and they will always have access to the Internet. Since wireless networks operate without the need to log in, you don't need to set up usernames or passwords.

The single greatest thing about a wireless network is that it is, well, wireless! The biggest reason to have a wireless network is because it eliminates the need for costly, ugly, and dangerous wires trailing all over your house. You can use your computer in any room you want - no more being trapped near a phone outlet or walking over that tangle of wires in your home. The cost of getting enough Ethernet cables can add up, and sometimes, you may even have to make holes in your walls to set up a wired network. If you're renting, of course, this is impossible. With a wireless network, you don't have these problems - you can even use your computer outside if you want! And if you move, there is no need to disconnect and pack up all those wires, and you no longer have to examine all the wires for damage whenever your Internet connection goes down.

You can see how having a wireless network can simplify your life.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Laptop Care Guide and Spin-off

There are several easy steps that you can use to maximize the life of your laptop computer. By taking proper care of your laptop computer, you will insure that you have the computer for several years to come. Further, if you take good care of your laptop, when you decide to get another laptop, you will be able to sell your existing laptop for more money. Below are some useful tips on how to care for your laptop computer properly.

First, you should clean your laptop regularly. You should never use water to do so, as it can get inside the computer and damage the internal components. It is recommended that you purchase and use special electronic cleaning products or, at minimum, use rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab or q-tip to clean the keys on the keyboard. You can also purchase cans of pressurized air to clean out all the dust particles that accumulate in between the keys. Finally, be sure to clean the computer screen on a regular basis with a soft cloth.

You should always carry your laptop computer in a protective case. The case will keep the computer from being exposed to too much sunlight or water when you are carrying it outside and it will also keep the computer partially insulated--especially, if it gets jarred around in your vehicle or the like. Further, it is better that you purchase a separate carrying case for your laptop: you don't want to pack all of your belongings into one bag, only to have your belongings ruin your laptop by scratching it or crushing it beneath the weight of everything else you are carrying with you.

Finally, it is important to protect your laptop computer at all times. Never leave it in an area where it can be exposed to extremely high or low temperatures, don't pick it up incorrectly, or slam the computer carrying bag down on a hard surface while the laptop is inside of the bag. In the end, taking the above necessary precautions will increase the lifespan of your laptop computer.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Choosing The Right Notebook Computer

Notebook computers have incresed in popularity over the last few years. This buldging market for notebook computers gives you more choice than ever before. The flipside is that the wide range makes it that much more difficult to choose the right notebook computer without a little knowledge.

The most important questions is always: What will I use my notebook computer for?

This driving question should lead all purchases. No amount of techno-babble should make you get something that you just don't need. Stay informed and you will get the best results from you notebook computer.

Notebook computers are, by nature, designed to be moved around easily. More than likely you will use it for work, this is the place where the most commuting takes place and the place you will most likely transport your computer to during the day.

Smaller notebook computers are never quite as fast as their slightly bigger counterparts. The small sizes don't allow for the latest and fastest parts that need a lot of breathing room as they can become very hot. Lot's of time away from a power source necessitates getting a good battery and having a computer than uses the battery efficiently. In the digital age, the internet is very important for many people, so wireless connectivity is essential. Applications on a notebook computer will probably consist of software like the Microsoft Office Suite or similar and a few other programs. Small monitors and limited processing power will rule out most serious gaming, but for a notebook computer it is hardly necessary considering what it is intended for. Fancy graphics cards are an option, but are hardly worth it as everything else plays against it, except if you get a huge, powerful laptop computer, which is very cumbersome. Let's look at these in a little more detail.

Consider carefully the size of notebook computer that you need. There are a lot of different sizes with notebook computers. Browsing around your local computer store will give you a much clearer picture of the sizes, even if you buy online, checking a real one out first is highly recommended. The size is pretty much dictated by the screen size, with sizes running past 15 inches in some cases. A notebook computer with a smaller screen makes it more portable. An option for a smaller notebook comptuer is a wider screen. WXGA and other wide screen formats give a little extra width, allowing a much more roomy desktop. They are usually in a 16:9 width to height ratio, while 4:3 is the desktop standard. This extra width is perfect as it allows you to keep two programs open side-by-side without closing them all the time.

The processor is the next major consideration when choosing your notebook computer. In a general sense they are usually toned down version of their desktop counterparts. They are clocked lower, meaning they run slower than intended, but the upside is much reduced power consumption which is good for battery life. Any processor should have enough clout for office type software. AMD and Intel are the major names for notebook computer processors, although Intel has the lion's share of the mobile computing market.

After these two major items, the other bits are really just extras. There is room to choose and pick with most of these other parts on your notebook computer.

Essential extras include USB ports, wireless networking capabilities, network port and modem port. USB is the standard for peripherals that connect to the notebook computer. Another one that is sometimes used for video and others is FireWire, it's useful to have, but not essential. Wireless networking is becoming standard, but make sure. There should be a convenient way to turn off the wireless card as they suck a lot of battery power when in use and can be turned off when not in use. A network port is so standard that there must be one, modem ports are so common they should not be missing.

Your DVD might be external or built-in, if it's external you could be choosy about which kind and brand you get, perhaps even a DVD writer. A DVD is not essential. If you notebook computer is a second computer and you have a main one at home, then you could forgo the DVD writer or the DVD drive altogether if you really need a compact notebook computer.

The mouse pad on the notebook should be easy to use and responsive. It should be out of the way enough not to interfere when typing. Keyboard layout needs to be good, even if it is smaller than standard.

Finally you might feel a little safer choosing a notebook computer from companies like Sony, Gateway, Dell, eMachines, Gateway, HP, Toshiba, Thinkpad, Acer or Fujitsu. They are all major notebook computer makers and will be able to back up their products with guarantees that they will deliver on.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Laptop Essentials! Five Basic Accessories to Think About

Everybody, it looks like, has a laptop today, and if you don't have one, you most likely are thinking of buying one. As if it's not difficult enough to choose from the many types and brands of laptops out there, you are also confronted with the many accessories that are available for one to. Of the overwhelmingly large amount of accessories out there, it can be certainly overwhelming to figure out what you really need for your laptop. Clearly, it is completely dependent upon your needs and plans with your computer, but there are five essentials you may want to consider to start with first.

Laptop Essential 1: If you are planning to use your laptop at home with any kind of regularity, you will want to consider getting an external keyboard and pointing device (mouse). Why? Well, believe me, if you have ever tried typing on a laptop for any more than an hour, then without a doubt you know that your neck, shoulders, and wrists can start to feel wiped out, to say the least. Well, the solution is to buy an external keyboard, which you can plug into the back of your laptop, as well as a mouse. And if you use your laptop in the office you can raise the screen up with books or risers of some sort to make looking at the screen a little more ergonomic. Of course you can also purchase accessory swivel stands for your laptop as well if you want them.

Laptop Essential 2: When your home you will most likely want to connect other peripheral devices to your laptop, like a printer, maybe a DVD player, or even a CD burner. This can create a lot of clutter with all the wires you need to plug in and unplug if you want to take your laptop out of the house or move room to room or even take it to the office. So to resolve this problem, you will absolutely love a docking station.

Now a docking station basically turns your laptop into a desktop computer when you're home and when you're ready to take it away, you simply slip it out of the station and off you go.

Another alternative along the same lines is a port replicator, which has computer ports. You connect your external devices to the replicator and then to your laptop. When you want to move your laptop, you simply detach the one port replicator, rather than each external device.

Laptop Essential 3: Now this isn't as exciting as some of the other accessories, but I assure you, you will be thankful you have it, and that is an external hard drive. It's certainly not going to make your day, and it certainly won't throw any excitement in your life, but the morning you wake up and your laptop won't start will be the day you are overjoyed that you decided to get that external hard drive.

Here's a little tip to go along with your new external hard drive: never pack your backup drive and your laptop in the same case when going on a trip, keep them separated. If you happen to lose your bag with both the backup drive and the laptop in it, you're going to have a really bad day!

Laptop Essential 4: This little device will allow you to hook up everything you need. So make sure you go out and get yourself an external USB hub. Desktop computers sometimes come with several USB ports, some with as many as 8 or 9. But, laptops since they are smaller, often only have a couple of USB ports. USB hubs will usually have four or more ports that will connect through one of your laptop's USB port making them very easy to use to hook up multiple USB devices.

Laptop Essential 5: You need to think about the worst thing that can happen with your laptop. Now you probably bought your laptop so you can work out of the office, or your home, or wherever you need to, right? Well, since you will be out and about, you will definitely want to think about insurance for your laptop. The manufacturer's warranty usually doesn't cover anything beyond parts, and an extended warranty will certainly not cover theft, though it may cover you for breakage or fire.

Finally, there are literally thousands of different accessories available for your computer. Of course some you might need and others you won't. It really depends on what your plans are for your laptop as well as where you plan on using it. Nevertheless, these five things are indispensable to making your laptop as functional to you as possible. While there may be some variation to what you need, most of these items will be valuable to anyone who owns a laptop, no matter how you expect to use your portable computer.

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