Monday, December 31, 2012

Desktop Customization for the Laptop

The desktop customization especially for laptop can be done by using many of the softwares which performs this optimization. There is a large number of softwares and utilities which perform these customization. But to choose the best one for your laptop is a difficult task to be done. One should be very much careful before having to install and use this software. With the help of this software you can customize many of the desktop activities like themes, animated wallpapers, startup graphics etc. This software provides you with whole of the customization of the desktop.

Now how to choose for the best customization software depends one of the big issue. Here are some of he listed tips which you must follow in other to have the best customization software for yours.

Go for that software which are light to your laptops memory. Most of this software are heavy and take up most of your memory so always prefer to have a light software which eat up least of your memory.

Next is to go for those which are less buggy. Most of the freeware in this category are very much buggy in itself that it may damage your laptops system files and can also provide lot of damage. So select for the pair versions with full support.

The next thing that it must have is of rolling back to the startup configuration as it was before configuration. This is must for any of such Desktop Customization Software.

These three are the most common tips which should be followed before having to install them to your system. As the freeware are too buggy and also provide least support if possible go for the paid versions because this will be healthier for your Laptops.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to Get An Internet Connection Anywhere

Most people have the mind set that you need to be at home, at the office, or in a coffee shop. This simply isn't the case.

People have been using the data signal that comes off of phone towers for years to access the internet. This allows anyone, anywhere to access the internet as long as they are somewhere their cell phone could pick up a signal. In the United States the most common signals in use are EV-DO (belonging to the CDMA protocol) and HSDPA (HSPA protocol), which fit under the 3G family.

EV-DO, which stands for Evolution Data Optimized, will handle a bandwidth of 1.25MHz, which will send data packets at a speed of 2.4 Mbit/s at its maximum speed. HSDPA supports several different down-link speeds, such as 1.8, 3.6, 7.2, and 14.4 Mbit/s, depending on which city you live in. Curiously, though most people view the Apple iPhone as being one of the most advanced data phones on the market, the current version receives the EDGE signal, a member of the older and generally slower 2G family.

To get access to these data networks you'll have to get a data plan from cell providers such as Verizon or Sprint and will run you a monthly fee. If you are receiving these signals on a smart phone, you'll probably be paying somewhere between $15 and $25 or so. If you want to use this signal on a laptop computer, your provider will give you a PCMCIA card, an ExpressCard, or a USB module to receive their signal, and it will probably run you somewhere in the $60-80 a month range.

There is a way to pay this $60-80 dollar a month range and share your data connection with others. There are wireless routers (often called 3G routers, mobile routers, or cellular routers) out there that allow you to slip in a PCMCIA card, ExpressCard, or USB receiver. The router then translates that signal to a Wifi (802.11) signal that you can share with others. You can take a business team on a business trip and avoid expensive hotel fees for internet access as well.

As long as everyone has wifi on their laptop, they will be able to instantly connect to the router. Unfortunately since mobile data technology still has a lower bandwidth than what you are used to from a cable modem or T1 line, the amount of people that can connect to one of these routers is limited. You probably want to keep it to around 3 or 4 people.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Protecting your Laptop Keypad or Touchpad

Now another very much sensitive part of your laptop is your Keypad and Touchpad. Always take good care of them as once they become faulty or troublesome, they are hard to replace. Never be very much harsh on them as these are the most sensitive part of your Laptop. Once damaged it will hardly be replaced or get repaired so take care about it. Let's have some of the tips how you can take care of your Laptop's Keypad or Touchpad.

1. Never be veryharsh to your Keypad as laptops keypad is a bit different from the Keypads of a conventional Keyboard. Always be very gentle in having a Key press.

2. Never spill oil or water on your Keypad as this will surely damage your laptops Keypad and can hang you work. Always avoid spilling of them.

3. Never try to manually pull out the Keypad buttons as done mostly by the kids. So always keep an eye on your Laptop when kids are working on it.

4. Now the touchpad is the most sensitive part and it senses the movement your finger tips very accurately. So try again to be very much gentle in using it. Just apply a nice soft finger press and it will sense it its not required to have a keystroke type press.

5. Also never try to accumulate any greasy or oily substance on your touchpad as this will decrease the sensitiveness of the Touchpad. Also keep them free from dust to accumulate on them.

Always keep these things in your mind before having to operate your Keypad or Touchpad as being the most sensitive part of your Laptops, once damaged it is then hard to be replaced. After all its who can only take care of your Laptop because in return it will offer you with efficient work as well.

Friday, December 28, 2012

What's The "i" in iPod and iPhone Mean? What Does Apple Computer's "i" Stand For?

The general consensus seems to suggest that "Internet" is what the " i " in Apple's product line stands for; like "e" stands for "electronic," as in e-mail. This makes me laugh. I've done a little teaching over the years and I like to help others look good expressing themselves through writing; instead of looking like an unschooled "idiot" when it comes to writing in their native language. We each took English in school, right? Well, most of us. Not that I'm perfect in following all the rules either. But, I follow the rules reasonably well, as we all should I think, since it is our own language. But that's just my personal opinion. I love learning and applying knowledge in lots of things, including English; but enough about me.

The word "Internet" is the proper name for the web, so it should always be capitalized, to follow grammar rules. When Steve Jobs of Apple hired his product naming man, and they put a little " i " on the front of their products, they were throwing grammar rules out the window. Also, since many Apple devices start with a small " i " as their proper name, like iMac, they are "breaking the rules" so to speak, with their entire product line name. It's kind of a good idea promotional wise, to be looked at as the renegade brand that does things differently and in an original, more personal way. I think Apple has become more cutting edge lately in their line of electronics and am amazed at what they have developed. I haven't always felt this way about Apple but am noticing a wider margin of innovation and functionality. Do you feel that way at all?

I've heard some people say they liked to think of the little " i " in Apple's products as representative of themselves; as in "me, myself and I." As in, it's my personal Mac computer the iMac, or my personal phone, the iPhone. I'm sure Apple doesn't mind that mindset at all. Here's a funny thing though, once I saw an interview with Steve Jobs and he said the little " i " stood for idiot. Very funny. His idiot machines are pretty smart.

I do have a complaint against Apple however. I think this one company is "helping" people everywhere forget their basic English grammar rule of putting a capitalized letter on the front of proper names. When everyone sees the small " i " on the front of this brand, they tend to use that model in regards to the word "Internet." This makes me a little irritated with a small " i " as I see more and more people doing this. At least I finally think I know what has been causing it ...a great Apple marketing campaign! Well, that and maybe a bit of our declining American education system. At least we got the little " i " in front of Apple's products settled. And if you wouldn't mind, could you please capitalize Internet from now on? I'd like to get that back on track so I don't have to think about it every time I browse the Internet. Or should I say, "every time i browse the internet?"

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hot Pink Apple Laptop

Pink has always been a color associated with women. It is fair and delicate and many women choose pink before choosing any other color. There are many items that are available in to color pink, clothes, cars, and shoes, however the color pink has made a début in the world of electronics. Believe it or not, hot pink lap top computers are becoming an up and coming trend in today's market. Of the thousands of requests for hot pink laptop computers, many are from teenager girls. The hot pink apple laptop is becoming the most sought after laptop by women around the country.

Apple laptops have always had features that attract millions of people. Adding the color choices just seems like a natural progression. It is an added attraction that has its consumers lining up to buy one. However, there is a drawback; apple computer does not sell hot pink laptops, you must have it customized to your specifications. There are many companies that will customize your apple laptop and turn it into the hot pink color that you desire. If you do an Internet search for one of these companies, use the keywords 'aftermarket customization'.

The process of customizing your apple laptop is quite fascinating. After you have purchased your apple laptop, you choose the color and style that you want for customization. The technician will then disassemble your laptop to protect the delicate parts from being damaged and then he or she will paint it.

The process itself does not take very long, special paint is used that contains UV protection, and it is also treated to avoid scratches from everyday use. The parts are cleaned and treated with special protectants to avoid any type of damage.

When the paint is dried, the laptop is reassembled and tested to make sure it is working properly, and shipped to the client. All of this, including the purchase of an apple laptop, can be done at a very reasonable cost.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tips - Preventing Notebook Hard Disk Failure

Specification of Notebook Hard disk Drive is lower than Desktop PC Hard disk Drive. If Desktop PC Hard disk Drive can standby for the usage of 24x7 hours, Notebook Hard disk Drive can only about 8 hours per day. Heat and convulsion is Hard disk's arch-enemy.

Though laptop now have been provided with more sophisticated cooler but most laptop remain to be hot in its interior, this matter because of performance of processor and graphical chips which progressively heavily.

Fujitsu have performed an analysis that high temperature will cause of electron movement in parts of semi conductor to cause the sudden failure. Therefore, paying attention to following tips to prevent the sudden failure because this heat:

Reduce temperature. If your workplace is not equipped by Air Conditioner (AC) or you work at hot place, you can reduce laptop temperature by degrading processor performance. In fact some laptop vendors have equipped its product by applet which arranging the processor speed and performance pursuant to temperature, work load, electricity power etc. On the other hand, we also can reduce laptop temperature by giving additional cooler accessories. Avoid the convulsion. Convulsion has a big effect at Hard disk, because convulsions which ossify or often can result the head Hard disk fall at its disc which can cause the permanent damage. Some laptop vendors have equipped its product with vibration censor which capable to prevent this matter, but you remain to have to take a care with this.

Two tips of above in fact is first step to take care of your laptop in order to have the long life cycle. Although in fact, price of notebook is relative alight time by time, but the sudden damage can cause you loss important file in your hard disk.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cheap Laptop, Good Value?

Cheap laptops are such a gamble. Some people swear to buy cheap laptops perhaps because they were extremely fortunate the first time they purchased one. They did not really notice just how bad some of the other low cost notebooks were.

Some people refuse to spend enough money on a computer. They are almost always in the middle of some type of crisis involving one of their cheap laptops. Some people are pretty sure that they have spent enough on cheap laptops.

Sometimes we are just a little suspicious with the disparity in costs between a used notebook and a new one. We really do not like overpaying the technology. We don't think anybody does.

We think that there really are a lot of hidden costs for low cost notebook. They cost you worry and time and sometimes the cost of another computer. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there selling broken laptops disguised as cheap notebooks. This secondary market will continue to flourish as more and more laptops are produced and purchased.

Low cost laptops are not for everyone. Sometimes when we purchase a laptop at a very very cheap price, we are extremely thrilled with that type of purchase as we cannot think of paying more money for the same and we would rather stay with cheap laptops because if something in our computer screwed up and we had paid that much for it, we might have a heart problem.

As with all technology and consumer items, low cost notebooks have a very specific market people that buy cheap laptops will certainly never be completely convinced to pay full price for any cutting edge or top of the line item. The only chance they are changing sides is by winning lottery.

In any case, now a days as productions costs come down and the market is submerged with all makes of laptops, notebooks prices have been steadily dropping, broken down below those stampede prices in some cases, we can surely expect laptop prices to drop even further.

Most products come down in price eventually, but actually electronic products seem to come down in prices more rapidly. More []...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Are the Cheap Laptops Worth Our Hard Earned Money?

The million dollar question that arises is whether the cheap laptops are worth our hard earned money.

The answer is both "yes" and "no."

As an informed customer you have to be careful and know exactly what you want to buy. A cheap laptop is the one that will not break and that will perform up to our expectations. If not, it is not cheap, it's a lemon. So, be careful and play it safe, go for a high rank laptop maker. HP, Sony, Apple, Toshiba, Dell, Panasonic and so many of these companies do sell cheap laptops. With these companies you can also go for fine refurbished laptops that you should consider if you are interested in buying a cheap laptop.

Many of these big name laptop makers do offer special deals and discount coupons. Many good quality laptops can now be bought at a reasonable price. You must comparison shop and always try to get the best value for your money.

Most important no matter what type or kind of notebook you buy or from where, always check the warranties and check what is exactly covered, and look closely at what you are getting for your hard earned cash.

Look closely at the different features:

Processing speed

Amount of RAM

Graphics and visuals / display

Feel and touch of the keyboard and touchpad

DVD burner

Hard drive


Battery life

USB ports


Do they meet or perform to your satisfaction?

Keep all these features in mind when buying your laptop. A cheap laptop is not cheap if it does not give you all the features you want, you must make sure that you are getting good value for your money search until you find the high quality laptop with all the features you need or require in your notebook for a cheap price.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Laptop And Wifi The Revolution

Accessing the web has a long time been a problem for all of us. There have been a number of times when it was necessary to log in onto the internet for an important reason but it just won't happen. You therefore feel frustrated because you have missed out on an opportunity to meet a friend in a chat room. Wifi access provides you easy access to the web without having to go through the tiring ritual of setting up your laptop with wires and cables as well as checking if all the cables are connected to the right places.

You can not complete a wireless network without a router, it connects to the broadband connection and in turn the access point in the router enables your laptop, computer, and video game console to connect with the web and together. There are many wifi routers in the market cause wireless networking is one of the greatest new computer technologies in terms of convenience. If you are weighting the pros and cons of wireless before taking the leap, there are some advantages to consider.

The first is that no more wires of all the reasons to switch your network to wifi.

The second advantage is that one Wifi Access for all Wireless devices gives you a cheap, easy way to share one internet connection among multiple devices. You can add new device to your network simply switching them on, they will get an internet connection instantly.

In order to keep in touch with your business, friends and to receive and deliver information, people carry their laptops. In that way they can access the internet, have conferences and many other features that their desktop computer can do back at the office.

Many consider wifi as one of the greatest inventions in the human history. The biggest benefit of wifi is that it makes things simpler. Wireless network technology offers an affordable and easy means to share internet connection with multiple web device. For more information visit [].

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Purchasing An Eco-Friendly Green Laptop

Purchasing an Environmentally Friendly Laptop to Save the Earth

Purchasing a laptop is a smart environmental decision when compared with purchasing a desktop pc. The main reason being that a notebook is smaller than a desktop so there is less of an environmental impact at the time of disposal. The slim size of the flat laptop means that there are smaller and less hazardous parts to be disposed of, such as hard drives, cd/dvd drives, flash card readers, usb ports, etc. The manufacturing of smaller and smaller laptop computers also has in indirect effect, in that the processing plants produce less harmful emissions into the environment. Another factor that makes laptops a better environmental decision is the fact that most laptops now comply with European regulations on lead-free computing, such as the WEEE (Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) and RoHS (Restrictions of Hazardous Substances), which are mandated disposal codes in Europe. Lead is used primarily to solder parts together on a computer, but these regulations encourage companies to use other methods for building a PC.

An interesting player in the eco-friendly laptop market is the "one Laptop Per Child" project. Their missions is to produce a low cost laptop - the "XO Laptop" - in order to revolutionize the way the world's children are educated. The purpose of the project is to get laptops in the hands of people in third world countries that would not otherwise have access to this technology. But the project is also proving that laptops can be produced for a very low cost - laptops which weigh less than one kilogram and rely on no electricity.

But despite the advances in the world of green laptops, there are still many issues that need to be addressed in order to manufacture an even more eco-friendly laptop. In the 2009, sales of laptops worldwide are expected to surpass desktop pcs for the first time ever. The average person will keep a laptop for only three years before it is tossed in the closet or tossed in the garbage, which presses the issue for an even more recyclable laptop. Some issues that still need addressed and some possible solutions:

1. Problem: Petroleum-filled plastic. Solution: Produce laptops from corn using bioplastic-polymers. The main issue at the point is creating a heat resistant polymer that can withstand the heat from a laptop.

2. Problem: Power Supply. Solution: Use the power of the sun the recharge your laptop. Solar powered chargers are in the works.

3. Problem: Lead products in the waste. Solution: As mentioned above, the European Union has enacted legal restrictions on lead. President Bush has also followed suit with standards for American lead use.

4. Problem: Spinning hard drives. Solution: Future laptops could reduce their energy use up to 10 percent by replacing hard drives with flash memory, which has no watt-hungry moving parts. Dell debuted a laptop with a 32-gigabyte solid-state drive this year.

Some recent awards winners for laptops that are friendly to the environment include: XO Laptop, Toshiba Portege R500, HP 2710p, Lenovo Thinkpad X300, and the Dell D630.

Friday, December 21, 2012

How to Clean Your Laptop LCD Screen


A laptop monitor is a flat screen called an LCD (liquid crystal display) and LCD monitors are especially susceptible to scratches so they require some extra care and attention.

You can leave your monitor on during cleaning but if you turn it off you will be able to see the smears and smudges much better. WARNING: NEVER put your fingers on the laptop screen as this can burn out pixels.

Dry Dusting: If your screen is not too dirty you can just use a plain cotton cloth.

VERY GENTLY wipe the screen in the same direction starting from the top and working your way down. The cloth must be soft and preferably cotton (an old soft t-shirt is fine). DO NOT USE cheap paper towels, towels, rags as they may scratch the surface.

Deep Cleaning: If your monitor is really dirty then you can use a cleaning solution for a deep cleaning. NEVER use any products that contain ethyl alcohol, ammonia, acetone, toluene, ethyl acid, or methyl chloride based cleaners these will yellow your screen.

You can go to the store and buy a cleaner especially made for laptop LCD screens there are plenty of those. If you don't want to spend extra money there is a homemade solution.

Homemade Cleaning Solution: Ingredients: Isopropyl Alcohol (Must be Isopropyl Alcohol) Distilled Water (Do not use tap water because it contains salts that can whiten your screen)

Mix equal parts distilled water to isopropyl alcohol (example: 1/2 cup water to 1/2 cup isopropyl alcohol) Make sure to use only isopropyl alcohol and distilled water (not tap).

Always use a soft cloth, cotton preferably or those special electrostatic cloths used to clean eyeglasses. NEVER use a rag, paper towel or napkins as these can scratch the surface of your monitor.

Apply a very small amount of the solution ONTO THE CLOTH (never pour over the screen as this can short circuit your monitor) and very gently (without pressure) wipe the screen in one direction from the top of the screen to the bottom.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

How To Carry Your Laptop

The bearing: Carry your laptop in a bag for notebook that is sufficiently reinforced to protect it from the surface shocks. Fix your laptop well inside this bag so that it is not shaken during displacement.

Pay attention, certain bottom-of-the-range bags sold or offered at the time of the purchase of your laptop do not provide almost any protection. Do not hesitate to acquire a model equipped with rigid side reinforcements and even, in certain cases, with protective air bags.

There are also second skins made of neoprene which are adjusted perfectly with your laptop and which improve its protection against, shocks, moisture and changes of temperatures.

Wait until your laptop is completely stopped (all LED extinct) before arranging it in its bag.

Disconnect all the peripherals from your laptop (Key USB, mouse, Cable electric...) before arranging your laptop in its bag. Do not transport your notebook by posing the accessories (mouse, hub USB, electric transformer and cable...) on the top but always near it in the bag.

Do not unnecessarily overload your bag of transport with objects which do not have anything to make there (kitchen utensils, beer quills, encyclopaedia's etc.).

Avoid transporting your laptop in the trunk of your car, because of the variations in temperatures (too much hot in summer, too cold in winter) and because of possible shocks, it is one of the worst places for him.

If you travel by plane always keep your portable computer with you, do not put it with your hand luggage in the trunks at luggage and especially never dispatch it out of compartment if you wish to re-use it one day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Five Good Reasons To Repair Your Laptop

Here are five good reasons to repair your laptop:

MAKE ECONOMIES: On average a repair and/or an update cost less than one quarter of the purchase price of your laptop!

What remains much more interesting than the change of your laptop. Moreover you will be able to preserve all the accessories (bag, additional batteries, etc) and software which corresponds to your computer and which it is expensive to renew.

PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT: (According to the work Computers and environment of Eric Williams and Ruediger Kuehr, researchers at the university of the United Nations (UNU).) "As the power of these machines evolves/moves and progresses, their environmental impact intensifies" "We must go beyond the simple recycling and to interest us in the second-hand market, repair, etc, Ruediger specifies. Better is worth to improve its machine or to resell it: that saves 5 to 20 times more energy than recycling."

AVOID AN USELESS PURCHASE: In the majority of the cases the power of the machines is disproportionate compared to the needs... a laptop, even old, almost always makes it possible to use the essential programs (text processing and office automation, Internet, etc.).

SAVE TIME: Your portable computer contains all your data, your programs, you are accustomed to his ergonomics, its keyboard, its screen, etc. are appropriate to you. To configure and be accustomed to a new computer would make you waste time unnecessarily.

MAKE HAPPY: Even if you wish to buy a new laptop, your old machine, repaired once, makes certainly the happiness of one of your close relations (high-school pupil, student, association, etc.).

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

3 Tips To Avoid Repairs

General information: The best way of avoiding a repair of your laptop is to use it and maintain it as well as possible. My experiment in laptop repair enabled me to understand what is most dangerous for them.

I give you my councils of maintenance and protection for laptop:

General presentation: Your laptop is a complex whole of parts of very diverse nature which one seldom finds in such a small machine. Indeed, it contains machine elements (ventilators, to limp, hinges...), electromechanics (hard disk, optical readers...), electronic (processor, memory...) as well as electrochemical (battery). Consequently the use of your laptop becomes rather complex because you must respect the precautions and limitations of use of each one of these types of elements.

The Councils of use:

1/ The kitchen, the bathroom and any site with range of a young child or a domestic animal are often fatal places with the portable computers. As prevent leaving laptop PC posed on the ground, it is in this place as it is likely to suffer more damage.

2/ As much as possible, avoid tropical environments (hammam), the arid deserts (sauna) and the icy steppes (cold rooms), as well as the boats (Russian mountains and baths showers). Your portable computer is designed to function roughly between 10 and 35° degrees Celsius (safe specifically adapted models). If your notebook is too hot or too cold do not use it, let return it at a temperature moderated before starting it.

3/ Never expose your portable computer directly to the rays of the sun. Never block or stop the vents (holes of ventilations) of your notebook. Do not pose anything heavy on your laptop (also avoid sitting you above if possible). Do not expose your laptop to powerful magnetic fields (magnets, electromagnets...), those damage information of your hard disk and can even entirely erase them in the worst cases.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Good Use Of Your Laptop AC Adapter

The AC adapter

This part, like the batteries, is an essential element of your machine and is also the cause of a great number of breakdowns. Indeed, one of the elements most fragile of your laptop is the AC connector, i.e. the connector female in which comes to plug in the plug of your AC adapter.

The repetition of these plug in and sometimes their useless violence ends regularly up tearing off the female connector of the motherboard.

That often occurs by stage, initially light poor contact, then as you move the cable in all the directions to find the current, the connector is torn off definitively, or the produced sparks roast the motherboard.

An adapter in bad condition (stripped cable, broken case repaired with tape...) is often the cause of a fatal electric problem to the motherboard of your laptop. To avoid that you just have to purchase a new AC adapter (genuine), it is always less expensive than a repair or a swapping of the motherboard.

About the compatible adapters.

To try to save some dollars (whereas often the genuine adapters are not much more expensive) or simply because their retailer does not propose a genuine adapter, much buy "compatible" adapters.

Let me be frank, for repairers these adapters are a blessing! Their male connector, relatively adapted to the socket of the laptop, tears off more often than others the females connectors.

Their voltage and their amperage more or less close to the needs for your laptops and a sometimes irregular flow, even straightforwardly random, and their annoying tendency "to kill the fuses" by at the same time roasting your motherboard and other power cards, are an important source of occupation for the technicians.

The failure rate, properly incredible, due, in an unquestionable or probable way, with these adapters makes that I dis-advise them formally. I am the first to propose to use compatible parts when they are less expensive and as powerful as the original parts. But for the AC adapters I advise prudence.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gaming Laptop Is Becoming More And More Popular

If today is still year 2000, probably there is no popular gaming laptop at all. Luckily we live and breathe until today (2008) and both of us know that gaming laptop is becoming one of the most sought after items. Gamers usually want to play their games everywhere they can, after they finish with their school duty or job.

Gaming laptop was unable to play desktop software perfectly. In the past, software which ran perfectly on desktop would be slower in laptop. But with the fast growing technology of micro computer, now things have changed. Everything runs perfectly on all new laptop. Don't forget that laptop battery life and stability are improving significantly. That's why laptop becomes very popular and many Americans even consider laptop as a perfect desktop replacement.

Gamers usually prefer to buy a new gaming laptop rather than buying a new gaming desktop computer (unless if their budgets are tight). This is happening because these days it's uneasy to find free time. Usually we are being pressured by work, job, or studies. So when ever we have free time, it won't enough to return to our home, play game, then go back to our school or office. This is why gaming laptop is more popular. Even if you only have 30 minutes free time inside your office, you can turn on your laptop and play games there.

The most popular gaming laptops are Dell XPS M1730 and its predecessor M1710. Gateway P-171XL FX is also suddenly become popular. However, these laptops are quite expensive so not everyone could buy them. The most popular laptop (according to Amazon) is still Apple MacBook Pro. Yeah, MacBook products are still good for gaming. Yet it's still cheaper than most gaming laptops.

Friday, December 14, 2012

My 5 Tips To Avoid Repairing

1- Avoid eating, drinking and smoking while working on your laptop, the reversed liquids, the crumbs or ashes are poisons for its components.

If you reverse liquid on your keyboard here is the procedure to be followed:

Turn off your laptop immediately (then withdraw the battery quickly). Place a towel or any fabric or absorbing paper on the keyboard (the sweater of your neighbor if you do not have other choices). Turn over your laptop by maintaining fabric absorbing in place so which it drinks the widespread liquid. Let dry, position back the battery and try to restart your laptop.

2- Avoid using your laptop posed on your knees or flexible surfaces which could obstruct its cooling and its ventilation (covers, feather beds...).

3- Also avoid using it on a carpet, near a domestic animal or any other dusty environment. This dust ends up creating overheating by stopping the vents and blocking the ventilators of your notebook.

4- As far as possible never pose your fingers, your hands or any other part of your body on the laptop LCD screen. The grease and the natural perspiration of the skin leave traces difficult to erase, especially once that they dried.

5- Never touch the mechanism or the lens of your optical reader (CD or DVD) and check that the discs are well in place before closing the drawer. Also check that your discs are not too dusty, forks and spoons of grease or sticking substances (butter and jam) that could clog your lens and obstruct or definitively prevent the reading.

Finally do not forget that the keyboard of your laptop is more fragile and more complex to replace than that of a traditional PC, do not hit it too vigorously if you do not want to see a day its keys flying away. Lastly, close your laptop when you do not use it, it is the best means of protecting the elements.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Cleaning Of The Laptop

Of course a clean laptop is more pleasant to use. But the major problem is that dust and filth are likely to end up damaging your machine. You can simply acquire a specific whole of cleaning in any supplier but if you follow the following indications that is not necessary.

It does not matter the part which you clean, avoid wet castings. Water or the possible products which you will use should not never be directly deposited on your computer, delicately moisten a soft rag before using it on your laptop.

The only up-keeping product that we advise you to use is washes it pane, the basic model based on alcohol, or of pure alcohol in small quantities, the other products tend to leave trails in particular on the screen.

The external part of your laptop is simplest to maintain, use a wet rag and possibly a non aggressive up-keeping product (without ammonia).

For the cleaning of the keyboard and screen, if it acts only of dust it is enough to use a soft and dry rag. For the keyboard you can use a brush or a small soft brush.

In the more serious cases here my council:

For the keyboard: aspire initially dust and other waste (remainders of meal, clippings of nails...) which fell between the keys using a small vacuum cleaner, or specific vacuum cleaner for computer equipment. Delicately use the head with small brush if there is one of them. Never use your big vacuum cleaner of apartment for this operation.

A last council: Cleaning is salutary but do not misuse it, especially for the screen: its surface can end up especially becoming dull if in spite of our councils you clean your screen with an abrasive fabric, or the sleeve of your shirt. As far as possible, rather avoid dirtying your laptop.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How To Make The Best Deal In Gateway Laptops

Being a computer lover, I would be surprised to know anyone hadn't heard of a company named Gateway. As an American based company, Gateway is a known for its high quality status in the manufacturing of computers. In fact, it was one of the earliest companies that developed notebook computers. Gateway laptops were first time introduced to the world in the 1990s. However, the first model did not look like a new product from any side.

Gateway is known in the entire world for producing and supporting a wide range of notebook computers and computer accessories After the success of its first laptop, which was less than 3 pounds, the company never felt any need to look back. It has become one of the most trusted and reliable brands in the computer industry. Though gateway laptops are sold in all parts of the world, its high classy features and dependability make it difficult for many people on budget to own one.

But now, the company wants to enhance its customer list. That is why; it is offering laptops at such reasonable prices. People can find 45 percent discount in the purchasing of laptops. Yes, I know its hard to believe, but its true.

Gateway laptops come up in every color and size. You can find pink to violet shades in laptops and sizes should never be a concern for you. Since the launching of its first notebook computer, the company has proved that it can develop laptops in any possible size and it has done so. You will find more than 40 percent discount in the purchasing of one computer and if you want to buy more than three gateway laptops, you will find more than 60 percent discounts. That is great news for you.

Most of the people like to shop online. This is one reason that the company has made special arrangements for the online shoppers. It has created several websites under the name of the company. These various websites perform specific functions for the customers. For example, one site deals with customer service, so it will try to convince you about the product and listen to your needs and demands. Similarly, a second site is concerned with selling the laptops, so it will present you with a form for you to make your purchase.

This division of websites helps provide easy e-shopping for the new customers. You don't have to worry about the warranty period. The gateway company also provides that wholeheartedly. No other company offers a two year warranty on a laptop as Gateway does. So, why are you still waiting? Search the Gateway website and initiate your purchase.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Choosing A Notebook Computer? It Doesn't Have To Be Complicated

Notebook computers are the most cozy and stylish form of computer. Many people do serious investigation and research before choosing a notebook computer. The main reason for this is, a computer is not something you want to change every season or year.

It demands a large monetary investment on your part, so it is wise to think fully from all angles before making your purchase. But why does it have to be complicated? Why shouldn't you be able to research information easily? Here, we are trying to minimize your research and queries by giving you some important information regarding the features of notebook computers.

As you must know by now, a notebook computer is like a small mobile computer that runs on a single battery. The tasks performed by it are almost similar to that of desktop computers. They have LCD displays that offer you high quality pictures and videos. But apart from these basic functions, the main thing that must be considered while choosing a notebook computer is that they are generally available under a number of categories. For instance, there are ultra-mobile laptops which are specifically meant for porting. Their hardware weight is in between 1 to 2 kg only. They are ideal for those who have to travel around the world, and like their name, they are ultra expensive. In the same category, there are two types of notebook computers, some are thin and light, others are mainstream computers.

The second category in notebook computers is Desktop Replacement computers. These computers are comparatively much more powerful than the ones previously discussed. These computers are also meant to be fixed at a particular place. They have a big screen measuring between 16-20 inches. They have limited battery life, but are better than ultra mobile computers in several ways. On the basis of your buying purpose, you should settle on which type you want to buy.

The next thing to do is to select a reliable company from which to buy from. There are countless brands to choose from. This is a product that you expect to last a long time, maybe your whole lifetime. So, you should go for dependable brands that give you a good warranty period and have high quality features. Knowledge about all the parts and accessories of the computer is also equally important. Otherwise, the company can play fraud with you.

While purchasing a notebook computer, you shouldn't just look for the latest design. It is possible that an earlier model has more features than the latest one. So, go through all the features of the laptop. You can seek the help of on line counselors if you feel you need to. Choosing a notebook computer is not a hard task, but it does require you to be aware of all the latest features and gather as much information as possible.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Should You Replace Your Desktop With A Laptop?

It is true that in certain aspects the advantages of the desktop PC are more than any other form of computer, but still with the changing time and techniques, the newer technologies are preferred more than the old ones. The desktop PC has a big drawback in that it lacks portability. To carry it from one place to another means a waste of energy and time. To think of carrying this frequently is something not at all practical. In comparison to the notebook computer or commonly known as the laptop it is a better alternative. Therefore, nowadays the replacement of desktop PC with a laptop has become a trend.

The reasons for the replacement of desktop PC with a laptop are many. First carrying a desktop from place to place is not practical and almost impossible. Whereas, the importance of a PC is being felt at each and every step of this life. For an official presentation, for the demonstration of a special project or for attending a technical class; Under some circumstances if the particular task remains undone just because of the non availability of a computer then life would have never been able to go as fast as it is now. For fulfilling such demands of the situation the laptops are being invented and in that context it can be said that replacement of desktop PC with a laptop is the best thing ever.

Anyone can go for this perfect replacement of desktop PC with a laptop by selling their old desktop PCs and buying a new laptop. The difference in life after this change can very easily be felt by everyone doing so. But that doesn't solve all our PC problems. There are advantages and disadvantages that come with each form of computer. So it seems that we have to make a choice between the laptop and the desktop computer. However, some have chosen not to choose by having them both. Some people prefer to keep a desktop for their home while using a laptop for

office and traveling, which is the laptop advantage. A disadvantage of the laptop is that you have to treat it much more delicately, which doesn't always fit with everyone's lifestyle.

Moreover, the battery of the laptop often runs out of charge at inconvenient times. For this several things should be kept in mind The laptop should not be turned on when the battery is in charge. You should avoid playing DVDs as that will consume a lot of battery power.. So then using the laptop sometimes comes with some minor hassles. That is why the replacement of a desktop PC with a laptop may not always be the best idea.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Where To Buy Laptop Accessories

You must know about the different computer accessories and devices, but do you know about all the laptop accessories as well? It can be frustrating when you want to purchase a laptop but cannot decide which accessories to buy with it. This article will attempt to resolve some of your questions and concerns when it comes to purchasing laptop accessories.

Laptops come with a number of parts and accessories. You don't need not buy all of them if you don't require them.. For instance, if you prefer to listen to songs on your I-pod, then you need not invest your money on a blue tooth stereo system for your laptop. There are several other accessories, but before deciding to buy them or not, you should be well acquainted with the product. Some of the main laptop accessories are discussed in the paragraphs ahead.

Laptops have wireless head phones in the list of their accessories. There are also noise canceling head phones for people who have to work in a noisy environment. Then, there are blue tooth stereo headsets, and if you are very picky about voice and sounds, it is an important accessory to have. As you know the laptop screen is very different from the desktop computer screen. You cannot afford to clean it with a damp cloth alone as you do the desktop. There is a special ultra screen cleaning kit that you can buy.

A re-charger kit is also a major thing to purchase as one of the laptop accessories. This is available in the market in a number of ranges depending upon the capacity of the battery. As per the power need of your personal computer, you can select the one that is the cheapest in price. Some other accessories include flash reader, blue tooth headset, integrated GPS and optical mouse, ports, card reader and so on.

You can buy the required accessories for your laptop from on line stores Many websites sell laptop parts at reasonable prices. Online shopping has several other benefits as well. First of all, you will get a wide range of products to choose from. Also you will be able to make a choice in terms of their features and price.

Secondly, they will deliver the product to your home. You need not search around in stores for different products.. If you have a Dell laptop, then it will be beneficial for you to purchase Dell accessories only. You will get their support if in the future, if any of the accessories stops working properly. They also provide you extra-warranty period as well.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

History And Issues Of Notebooks

A Notebook or commonly referred to as a laptop computer is a smaller version of the desktop computer. But its advantages are that all of its components it comes in one neat mobile notebook shaped digital display box, and is easily portable. It usually weighs around 2 to 17 pounds (1 to 8 kgs) depending on the make, materials and different other factors that come into play such as the parent company etc.

Notebooks run on a singular battery from (usually) an external AC/DC adapter. It charges the battery and in the meanwhile supplies power to the laptop too. Numerous `notebooks` have a 3 volt back-up cell to supply power during power failures and when in places where there is no steady power supply. Notebooks, as personal computers are worthy and capable of doing the same work as of desktop computers. But they are less powerful than their desktop counterparts at the same price. This is because of the fact that most parts used in desktop computers are miniaturized to fit into the slim notebook version of the machine.

Notebooks usually have LCD (liquid crystal displays) and they use separate memory modules for their RAM. Notebooks usually have a touchpad (or trackpad) for a mouse and an in-built keyboard. But external installments of these can also be attached if the user wants to do so.

The first commercially available laptop (the name notebook was not feasible at that time as they were much bigger than the versions available now) was the Osborne I in 1981. Though it was much heavier and had only a tiny CRT monitor, yet it had a revolutionary effect on the business and industrial sectors. The idea of taking back work to home was given a full new meaning. A better installment of the laptop or the `notebook` came in 1983. Compaq Portable was the first tech-product of Compaq and was a notebook version of the then hugely popular IBM Personal Computer. It became a hit as it was more IBM-compatible than portable from its predecessors!

But the first notebook was arguably the GRiD Compass 1101, released in 1982 by Bill Moggridge. The `clamshell` design, or the `notebook` design, where the LCD monitor remains shut against the keypad, was introduced. It was enclosed in a magnesium case, and could run on batteries. The first commercially successful notebooks were from the SupersPort series from Zenith Data Systems (ZDS), which competed with several other companies such as IBM, Toshiba, Compaq and others to notch up a deal with the U.S. Air Force for a contract of supplying 200,000 notebooks in 1987. This made the laptop popular and penetrative to the business and affordable price ranges to the common consumers.

Even though the notebook might seem a powerful and mobile genius of this age, it has its fallacies too. The major ones may be listed below.

Standardizing and weaker parts:

Parts of the notebook are miniaturized parts of desktop computers themselves and hence are weaker in comparison. The miniaturization process also takes a toll on the prices of the notebooks, which are generally higher priced than their desktop counterparts. Also, notebooks count a lot on steady power supply, even though supposed to be mobile, for a decent performance. Though, today technology has improved this negative facet of notebooks.

Durability Issues:

The portability, make, integrated composite structure and design of the notebooks make them more liable to shock, wear and physical damage than desktop computers. And the worst part is that the purchase value of a new LCD screen or motherboard, if damaged, is more than the whole purchasing value of the notebook itself!

Performance Issues:

Desktop computers are generally high performing machines when compared to notebooks of the same price range. This even though is being abolished slowly by improving cutting edge technology, this will not hold true. As energy and portability are prioritized goals for a notebook than absolute performance.

All in all, notebooks are the rage of the new generation today. And slowly but surely, the era of desktop computers is fading into oblivion.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Dell Latitude D430

Dell, a renowned name in laptops is said to be among the largest and most trustworthy brands in the world of computing. Dell believes in doing proper research and providing the notebook exactly as per the choice and requirement of user. It can be color or portability, it is well seen that Dell always believes in providing better than the best. With such remarkable vision in mind Dell came up with its new model D430 Latitude.

The specifications of model include Intel Core Solo U1400 Processor (Santa Rosa, 1.2GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, Ultra Low Voltage) with 12.1" WXGA Display (1280 x 800) for better vision. The weight of the notebook is just 3.2lbs and that too with battery but without optical drive.

Giving more importance to the notebook's looks, it is additionally attractive and slim as well. In order to provide good backup it has 6-Cell 42Whr Battery. In order to improve the life of battery it has Scandisk 32GB Solid State Drive (SSD).

It also has 1GB DDR2 533MHz RAM and 80GB 4200RPM Toshiba 1.8" Hard disk drive. The Operating System that it supports is Microsoft Genuine Windows XP Professional. It has external D-Port CD-RW/DVD-ROM Optical Drive. In addition to above other additional features and tools like 802.11a/b/g WiFi, Ethernet, and Modem are also there.

The dimensions of the model are 11.6" W x 8.25" D x 1" H. Thus, it is having all the features that one would like to have in its notebook ranging from good and portable look to good configurations. All in all, a good buy!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tips For Buying A New Laptop

Buying a new laptop is something that I would consider a fairly major purchase. To start with, I would like to state that I have actually worked for a retail company that purchases and sells everything that has to do with computers, and being a salesmen, I would like to contribute my knowledge to properly purchasing a new laptop. This especially applies to those who are buying a new laptop for the first time, or buying a computer for the first time.

Step 1 - Define your goal, and figure out your requirements

Hopefully that title does not scare you. Basically, the first question I ask someone, when they are purchasing a laptop is: What are you going to be using it for? Generally, responses are quite simple: I need it for work, or my daughter is going to school, or I am a gamer and want to play the latest and greatest games out there. This is when you should consider answering that question yourself. However, before you do that, there is one question that you must answer for yourself, and that is: Are you or someone that uses your laptop, ever going to play new 3D games on it?

If your answer is:

NO: If your answer is no, then you have narrowed your selection of laptops down by about 25% - 40% (Depending where you are buying them from). An important thing to keep in mind is that, if you are not playing games on it, you do not want a "dedicated graphics card" on the laptop, because you will never use it for what you are doing. The dedicated graphics card is a costly piece of material and it will not speed your laptop up for word processing, or the internet, or even your video editing.

YES: If you answered "yes" to the fact that you would play new 3D games, then you absolutely need a laptop that has a "dedicated graphics card" in it. When you talk to your sales representative make certain they know you will be playing games on it, and that the card itself has 128Mb of video ram, or more. Another point that you MUST watch out for, is that many laptops have an "on-board graphics card". Do not get stuck with an on-board graphics card, if you intend on having a gaming laptop. The quality of games will be considerably horrible, and you will wish you re-read this article. As of writing this article, the more expensive, and thus better cards are GeForce 7600 Go, or 8600 cards, or some of ATI's Radeon X1700 or better. You will have to discuss with your representative your budget, and how fast you want your games to run.

Now that you have figured out whether or not you will be gaming on your laptop, you must consider the other software you will be using, and what kind of processing power, and memory you will want on your laptop. To make things easy I would suggest reading the software requirements of the programs you will be running, to get an idea of what you will need to run that software.

Step 2 - Identifying your wants

This could almost be the final step, if not for some last minute notes. This step is very straightforward. You must decide for yourself how fast you want your machine to be. This is a critical step, because as soon as you purchase your laptop, you cannot change anything inside of it! The one exception is the memory, and that can always be upgraded. A general rule is, the more you pay, the more you get. Below, I will list in order of importance, the general components of the laptop that you are interested in:

1) CPU - This will determine how fast your machine launches programs and runs ( You will want at least a dual-core, unless you cannot afford it ). Look for Pentium Core2 chips, or AMD's X2 type chips. Ask your product rep for a range of processors, and more information or guidance if you need.

2) Memory (RAM) - This is where all your programs store their temporary information. So, like our brains, the larger the amount of ram, the more programs you can have running, or you can launch larger programs. *Note: If you skimp on this item, you will sacrifice a lot of performace (1 Gigabyte is generally the minimum, 2 Gigabytes will be the recommended).

3) Hard drive - This part is where you store your files for the long term. Accounting books, and music files, are all stored on the hard drive. The larger it is, the more files you can cram into it. Performance of your laptop is not affected by the size of the drive, and generally not by the speed of the drive. Hard drives will range from 80 Gb - 200 Gb (Sometimes more).

Generally those are the three most important components you will need to look at in all the laptops. Now I wish to share with you some final notes.

3) Final notes, and considerations

a) If the laptop you are considering purchasing is going to be over $1200, I would greatly consider buying a "Total care warranty". This will run for 20% - 30% of the laptop price, but will cover any drops, wear, split liquids, etc. for 2-3 years. This is definitely worth considering, as I have seen many laptops with cracked screens, and to replace the screen, you are looking at $800 with labor and parts at least.

b) Brands do not matter a whole lot. Most, if not all laptops are manufactured by a global electronics company, that fills orders for many of the major brands you will see. So do not judge based on brand name, and do not judge based on looks. You will here many people tell you that "such and such a brand is no good" and some brands will be praised. To each their own, good luck shopping!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mobile - Easy To Carry Around, Easier To Lose

The luxury of mobility. It's wonderful to be able to access your network from Starbucks. Some days you even telecommute. Oh WiFi, every networker's dream. What's scary in this whole scenario is the size of these full blown network devices. Extra small!

Even more frightening is, as always, the problem of lax security and misconfiguration. These mobile devices have now given your network a dynamic reachability. The clients roam, even into the wrong hands. It is imperative that administrators dedicate time for user training and awareness. Holders of mobile network devices should be trained on acceptable use, due diligence and care. A firewall cannot protect against an "authorized user". Authentication schemes should be checked, double checked, updated and tested. VPN technology is great, but if misconfigured it is like having an open door on an otherwise secure house.

Another issue with mobile devices is manageability. These devices should be inventoried and checked without announcements. Delinquent users will never be identified if audits are preannounced . It's synonymous to the police announcing when they are going to raid a crime spot. Users should be held accountable for maintaining the integrity of the network. Being small, again they become problematic in terms of the number, access points, PDAs, WLAN cards, they are infesting today's networks. Some manufacturers are already implementing RFID systems to track mobile devices. However, all of these security policies are doomed to fail without user training.


* use strong encrytion

* two way authentication.....802.1x is ideal

* WEP should be a last resort

* walk about surveys

* educate users, from top down, that includes upper management

* IPS, WIPS, location tracking

That's all for now folks.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cheap Laptops - High in Efficiency

There are numerous benedictions of technology to the human kind. It has given us immense comfort and convenience that has made our lives easy and more efficient.

The advancement in the scientific and technological arena has given many innovative gadgets and devices to the mankind, which is highly instrumental in increasing our abilities and making our lives more comfortable. The laptops are definitely one of the most innovative gifts of technology. They have easily replaced the heavy and bulky personal computers as they have slim and lightweight body.

These advanced gadgets have immense capabilities and great efficiency. These gadgets are highly instrumental in accelerating the growth of various businesses. These high end devices are required by everybody. Whether the person is an architect, a medical practitioner, editor, financial consultant or a software engineer - everybody needs to have an advanced laptop with which one can easily complete the various tasks related to ones work.

These incredible devices make work easier and faster, now the professionals can work beyond the office hours with great ease. One can easily find cheap laptops on various online portals. You can check your emails while you are traveling from your home to office in the morning, or you can analyze the day's performance of your subordinates by looking at the reports as you are moving back from your office to home. You can utilize the idle time with the help of these laptops.

The cheap laptops have highly advanced features that simply mesmerize you. You get amazing capabilities with these advanced gadgets. These devices have sophisticated technology and advanced mechanism that make them extremely efficient and agile. Generally laptops weigh between 2 pounds to 18 pounds and they feature different specifications and facilities.

They can be operated via power supply. They have integrated rechargeable battery which can easily be charged with the AC/DC adaptor. They also have an additional cell which runs the important processes like clock etc if the power failure occurs. These devices are highly capable and they have high quality electronic components that give them enhanced performance. The display in these gadgets is absolutely amazing as they feature advanced flat LCD screen that have great resolution and fine colours.

The advanced machines feature different memory modules like ROM and RAM etc. They also support cache memory. The processors in these devices are highly efficient. Ace brands like Intel and AMD etc manufacture high end processors for the movable computers. The laptops have advanced Active matrix displays and they also have various advanced features like USB ports, DVD drives, CD Writer, LAN Ethernet cards. They offer you complete functionality which a PC gives to you.

Samsung laptops are highly advanced and remarkable in performance. The laptops showcase advanced top of the line electronic components, high definition display and extremely efficient processors with which the users get maximum output. The high quality devices rate high in the various aspects like performance, technology and quality.

The gadgets are built with highly sophisticated technology and sheer efficacy. Toshiba laptops are also considered as a hall mark of advanced technology and infallible performance. People from various professions trust these gadgets for their advanced features and flawless functionality.

The laptops have great upgradeability, which means that users can easily update the latest components, however the compatibility should be checked. They have MiniPCI slot for the WLAN or Bluetooth card. They also feature the USB port for attaching external devices like pan drive etc. Lenovo laptops have gained immense popularity in the markets these days. The brand has attained the status of highly advanced and sophisticated machines that give enhanced performance to the users.

These gadgets have innovative track point devices. They also feature highly efficient Active Protection system with which the hard disk drive is shut down in case of the machine failure to prevent any damages. These machines also have an extremely robust biometric system that can read human finger prints.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Share Ties With The Indisputable Market Leader

A laptop not only offers a high degree of flexibility and portability but also takes minimal space to accommodate itself in your home or office setup. It makes less usage of electricity and is a perfect companion for every home and office user.

In India, the growth of laptops has been bolstered by several factors like growing competition, emergence of national and international players, positive customer preferences and favourable government policies. Nowadays, most of us can be seen occupied with their laptops. India is about to break the long-standing shackles of being a restricted economy, not adapting itself to keep abreast of the changes. The country has been in an upward direction, leaving all the obsolete ways in her journey.

Some of the leading names in the world of laptops are HCL, Samsung and Acer. HCL has been the pioneer in this field. It has been able to inspire many other brands and has maintained its dominance in the growing Indian market by holding a considerable share of the laptop market.

The HCL MiLeap X Laptop, HCL MiLeap L notebook and HCL MiLeap Y Ultra-portable laptop are some of the latest laptops in the present day market. These HCL laptops are high on their performance, quality and set high standards for themselves when it comes to unparalleled laptop experiences.

If you are looking for the high quality laptops then HCL is easily the first name that comes to your mind. This is primarily because no other brand has come out consistently as strong as HCL has. Most of the Indian laptop users simply swear by its brand name and are happy to recommend its name to their friends, relatives and colleagues. This can be easily seen as a positive step into the continuing popularity of HCL products over the last few years in the Indian market.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Is It Really A Threat To Wimax Technology?

By the time we are facing different kinds of threats and other vulnerabilities to WiMAX technology like the earlier version of wireless networking for example; Wi-Fi. WiMAX is also facing these threats, but we need to make it more secure and protect it from being failed before its deployment. Until today we are still not finding the WiMAX everywhere but we are still waiting for its success and deployment. In some areas of the world WiMAX is deployed and still undergoing to its maturity period and facing threats and vulnerabilities. As I have studied that the WiMAX is facing Denial of Service attacks, jamming of the network, management message modification as well as the data modification communication attacks.

According to the research some of the solutions and enhancements are under consideration for security of WiMAX technology but there is a need for further research in this domain because of the immaturity of the WiMAX itself. Some experts claiming that the WiMAX technology cannot get a chance to gain the target market, but on the other hand people are still expecting more out of it. According to my research and studies about the WiMAX, there are some possible solutions and enhancements that can make it more secure but not completely free of threat and other vulnerabilities.

Integration of WiMAX with other new technologies can make it more robust, reliable and secure like IMT-Advanced but we have to wait until at least 2010. Some other future technologies are also expected that might offer WiMAX a better environment and system integration to work better then any other technology in the market.

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